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Friday, February 24, 2012

Marco Rubio Scares The Hell Out of the Left

The song may say you only hurt the one you love, but in politics you hurt the one who gives you nightmares and Marco Rubio makes democrats wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat screaming at the top of their progressive lungs.  Anybody who articulates  conservatism as well as Rubio, who ties it to the American dream and presents it as the best hope for the average Joe in this country would frighten the Democrats. Rubio however, has two other significant and fear inducing things going for him.

First of all he is of Cuban decent, and being Hispanic means (to liberals) he is supposed to be on the their side. Progressives like to place people in groups, it makes it easier for them to take away their humanity and individualism.By destroying their neat and pretty picture of an Hispanic, Rubio scares the progressives.

Rubio's other threat is that he lives in a swing state with 29 electoral votes, 11% of the total needed to become president (270). Obviously that is a  major chunk of electoral college votes (that went to Obama in 2008) the Democrats do not want to lose in what may be a very close 2012 election.

The junior senator from the sunshine state seems to be the consensus pick for Vice President. Usually a VP selection can destroy a ticket but does not really add to a campaign. The 2008 selection of Sarah Palin was an exception as the Governor from Alaska helped to rally the GOP base to John McCain.

Rubio would be another exception, especially of Mitt Romney was the pick, he would help rally the base, possible deliver Florida and make in roads with some of the moderate and conservative Hispanic voters who went for Obama last time.  Marco Rubio might even make some misguided independents feel less guilty about turning the first half-African-American out of office. After all they would be exchanging him for the first Hispanic Vice President.

Put it all together and one realizes that the progressives are "scream for mommy in the middle of the night" frightened about the Florida Senator, which is way beginning with last October rumors began to spread about him that he wasn't really a "natural born US citizen."

It  is the contention of these nut-jobs that because Rubio's parents were not yet Citizens of  the US when the future politician was born, he is not a natural born US Citizen.

Now the Democratic smear machine is making hay about the fact that Marco Rubio used to be a Mormon.  Rubio was baptized into the Mormon church when he was 8 and “remained active in the faith for a number of years,” attending LDS youth groups and walking to church most Sundays because his mother didn’t drive BuzzFeed reports.

Rubio left Mormonism to become a Catholic “a few years later,” and he got his first Communion when he was 13, in 1984, the Florida senator’s spokesman told the website.

Lets take this apart.

First of all, even if Rubio was still a practicing Mormon, it shouldn't matter. Even if he is on the ticket with Mitt Romney who is a Mormon. To put it a different way, I voted against the ticket that had Joe Lieberman, a fellow Jew, as VP. The bottom line is I vote for the ticket which will be the best for America. I am not voting for my Synagogue's Rabbi, a position which, quite frankly I would never chose a Mormon to fill (nor a Catholic, Muslim or Baptist--Call me bigoted!)

Point number two is that not many eight-year-olds have a choice about religion.  Both my children went to Hebrew school at eight, they also observed the Sabbath and Jewish Holidays in the home and had no choice. When they are adults, if they want to change their faith I wont be able to stop them (although I might stick my head in the oven, kill myself and haunt them for the rest of their human existence, but I wont be able to stop them).

Have no doubt about it, calling Rubio's faith into question has much more to do with the calls for him to be the VP selection on the GOP ticket getting much louder, than any concern about his faith. This still is the United States and someone's faith should not matter.

Just like the "natural born citizen" questions raised four months ago, the real issue is the thought of  a conservative, Cuban-American from Florida on the GOP ticket gives the progressives nightmares. Just as they tried to do with Sarah Palin four years ago, the progressives are going to do their best to destroy Marco Rubio. The question is, will we let them!
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