Thursday, March 24, 2011

Breaking News! Yemeni President to Resign on Saturday- Deal Almost Done

Yemen has been facing domestic strife since the beginning of the year. Protesters have been demanding that President Saleh end his three-decade long rule because of his lack of democratic reform, widespread corruption and human rights abuses carried out by Saleh, his family members and cronies.

Little by little Selah has been giving in the to the protesters demands in early February Saleh announced that he would not seek reelection in 2013, but would finish out his term. Later that month 11 MPs from his party resigned and two weeks later even more MPs resigned.  Two weeks ago,  Saleh announced a referendum on a new constitution, separating the executive and legislative powers.

Last week at least 52 people were killed by government forces and over 200 injured, when unarmed demonstrators were fired upon on the university square. The president claimed that security forces weren't even on location and blamed local residents for the massacre. Last week he fired his entire cabinet.And finally Islamist-allied General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar announced that he is siding with the opposition.

According to the Wall Street Journal both  President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the country's top general,  al-Ahmarare are very close to a deal in which both men would resign from their positions within days in favor of a civilian-led transitional government, according to three people familiar with the situation
The people familiar with the negotiations said Thursday that Mr. Saleh and Gen. Ahmar are intent on preventing bloodshed and preserving stability in the Arabian Peninsula nation. Aides to both men said that while they both understand that Mr. Saleh's continued rule is untenable, they have agreed that the timing of his resignation can't happen until they have worked out the details of a transitional governing council that would take his place. They hope to have a detailed plan ready by Saturday, the people said.
"Both sides have agreed on the main points of departure, and Saturday is expected to be the day that Saleh and General Ahmar both step down," according to a senior official familiar with the negotiations.
....It was unclear whether the solution being hammered out with the president would meet the expectations of thousands of protesters, who have been camped on the streets of the capital for weeks demanding Mr. Saleh's immediate resignation. Various factions of protesters have issued manifestos demanding that a civilian council lead Yemen until new elections could be held. But their patience was wearing thin and opposition leaders said the risk of conflict grows higher as time elapses without a solution.
If they do want to prevent violence, the deal must be announced soon. After prayers tomorrow, about two million people will flow into the capital Sana'a to participate in " Tolerance Friday ".
The sources told the weekly 26 September that the step which is to be taken by men, women and youth came after the opposition Joint Meeting Parties's call for a protest march on the presidential palace next Friday.

It also aims at stress the Yemeni people commitment to the democratic approach and rejection of any kind of violence targeted the security and stability in the country .
 We will provide updates as soon as  they come.

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