Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sarah Palin Visits The Kotel (Western Wall) Video

Sarah Palin visited Israel for the first time and immediately headed for the Kotel, the "Western Wall" of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Despite the common descriptions, the Kotel is not the most holy site in Judaism, it is the retaining wall for the Temple Mount which housed the two Temples to God. It is the Temple Mount which is the most holy site in all of Judaism, but thanks to the hubris of Moshe Dayan, Jews are rarely allowed up on the Temple Mount and when they are allowed it is illegal for them to pray. (If you cannot see video below Click Here)

When visiting the Kotel, Palin met with the Rabbi of the Western Wall, Shmuel Rabinovitch, who escorted her on part of her a tour. Rabinovitch said Palin obliged his request to not walk along the Western Wall square so as to not disturb the reading of the Megillat Esther (Book of Esther) which was going on at the time in observance of the holiday of Purim

Rabinovitch mentioned that Palin voiced her "absolute" support of Israel."We're happy to accommodate Jews and non-Jews visiting the Western Wall. You could feel Palin's love towards the people of Israel and her great interest in the story of Purim," said Rabinovitch.

"Israel is absolutely beautiful and it is overwhelming to see and touch the cornerstone of our faith and I am so grateful to get to be here," Palin told reporters. "I'm very thankful to know that the Israeli and American link will grow in strength as we seek peace along with you," Palin said.

Palin's support of Israel is not new and/or shocking news.  What is interesting is when you compare her pro-Israel stance and that of the last two GOP nominees, McCain and President Bush to the Anti-Israel stances of President Obama and the previous nominee Senator Kerry. If one is to be truly honest it is apparent that GOP has become pro-Israel party.


  1. American Republican here. I never much cared for Palin until I learned that she is pro-Israel. It was then that I realized she has some sense after all. For some insight into the differences in opinions regarding views toward Israel by Republicans & Democrats, check into the Newsvine comments posted by viewers of MSNBC's internet news site. Republicans are generally pro-Israel while the liberal Democrats want Israel burned at the stake of the Peace Process. It is all there in black and white. Just look for any story even remotely related to Israel. As for myself, I have been donating my hard earned cash to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews for more than 5 years now. It would be nice to see a link to on your site.

  2. R2P

    "U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon also said on Thursday that the justification for the use of force was based on humanitarian grounds, and referred to the principle known as Responsibility to Protect (R2P), "a new international security and human rights norm to address the international community's failure to prevent and stop genocides, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity."

    "Resolution 1973 affirms, clearly and unequivocally, the international community's determination to fulfill its responsibility to protect civilians from violence perpetrated upon them by their own government," he said.

    Inside the NSC, Power, Smith, and McFaul have been trying to figure out how the administration could implement R2P and what doing so would require of the White House going forward. Donilon and McDonough are charged with keeping America's core national interests more in mind. Obama ultimately sided with Clinton and those pushing R2P -- over the objections of Donilon and Gates."

    FP, The Cable

    "The always astute Omri Ceren has more regarding the R2P concept over at Commentary Contentions. He notes that there is a bit of history regarding the concept's application to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. There was a group created in 2009, the International Coalition For The Responsibility To Protect, that has spoken out against Israel, notably during Israel's Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. The Coalition released this statement:

    The recent escalation of violence in Gaza has raised serious questions about the use of the Responsibility to Protect to urge international action to protect civilians in the conflict. The Responsibility to Protect has been referred to, notably by Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, but also others who claim that crimes committed in Gaza by Israeli forces have reached the threshold of R2P crimes."

    American Thinker, Ed Lasky

  3. If you look closely...well, it was pretty evident in my video shot in Gov. Palin's office when she was governor, there was a flag of Israel on her credenza desk.

  4. So it's news that the GOP is actually for Israel when the DNC isn't?
    I thought everyone knew this!

    Democrats of today are "liberal progressives"..they're not democrats of old.
    Today's democrat subscribes to socialist and marxist ideologies. These things don't work here in the US. They run counter to everything that the constitution spells out.
    Today's Conservative is more of a constitutionalist than a republican. As such, they know that our faith is what FOUNDED our country. All of our laws come from Judeo-Christian concepts. That being said, of course we support Israel!!
    Democrats? not so much.


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