Monday, April 4, 2011

Why is the US Even Considering the Purchase of Light Attack Planes From Brazil?

The United States and Brazil have always had a complicated "up and down" relationship. Maybe that's why since he was inaugurated, President Obama has gone out of his way to make friendly gestures to the socialist government of Brazil. Unfortunately the gestures he selected have defied logic and in some cases defied the best interests of the United States.

For example, when the Honduras courts and legislature followed its constitution by deposing President Manuel Zelaya, Obama took Brazil's side and demanded that they restore him to power and cut their aid when they refused. When he went to Brazil last month Obama offered to fund it's oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico, promising that we would be their best customers even though he has suppressed domestic exploration and drilling.

There seems to be another area where the President may be subjugating the best interests of the United States to his desired friendship with Brazil.

Two defense companies are competing for a proposed American light attack plane  contract: Hawker Beechcraft of Wichita, Kansas, and a Brazilian company named Embraer.

There are so many reasons why the best thing for the country would be for Hawker Beechcraft to build those planes. Obviously jobs is one of them. Hawker Beechcraft currently estimates that its proposal will create over 1,400 U.S. jobs in 18 states while Embraer’s proposal will create only 50 U.S. jobs. But jobs aren't even the main problem with awarding the Brazilian company the contract.

Once constructed these planes will be used for counterinsurgency efforts in the War on Terror.  The government of government of Brazil is fiercely against our fight against radical Islam, and our efforts to deny Iran nuclear weapons.

Embraer receives subsidies from the Brazilian government, and thus requires an unconventional clause in any contract known as the “Golden Share” clause.  
The Golden Share allows the Brazilian government to maintain direct control and veto rights over the “creation and/or alteration of military programs, whether or not involving the Federative Republic of Brazil” as well as the “interruption of the supply of maintenance and replacement parts for military aircraft.” If the Brazilian government did not approve of a US action, or a less favorable government were to be elected we could be cut off and the United States would have no means for recourse on the matter.

Is that really a situation we should be contracting ourselves in to? Especially when you consider that Brazil itself is becoming a bit of a terrorist Mecca.
Nearly two dozen terror financiers and operatives from al-Qaida, Hizballah and other terrorist organizations are operating in Brazil, despite being known to Western intelligence officials, a Brazilian magazine reports.

Veja, a weekly news magazine, said its report is based on reports it reviewed from Brazilian and U.S. authorities. In addition to raising and moving money, the operatives are believed to be involved in planning attacks. Brazil hosts the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 summer Olympics.

One, Khaled Hussein Ali, reportedly has been in Brazil since 1998, and runs an al-Qaida propaganda arm called "Jihad Media Battalion."

Officials long have identified the Tri-Border area between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina as a hub of Islamist terror activity. Despite this, "Brazil has not passed any specific anti-terrorism legislation, does not recognize Hizbollah or Hamas as terrorist groups and disbanded the Federal Police's anti-terrorism service in 2009," reports Robin Yapp of Britain's Telegraph newspaper.
Imagine, God-forbid, a terrorist somehow holding the 2016 Olympics hostage until Brazil cancels Embraer's contract with the U.S. ?

When you put together the up and down history of US/Brazil relations, the fact that an American-based contract will create jobs domestically, and the fact that Brazil could cancel the contract on a whim, it would be the best thing for the United States to give this contract to the domestic Hawker Beechcraft.  If you agree please contact your Representative in Congress and let them know.

Nearly two dozen terror financiers and operatives from al-Qaida, Hizballah and other terrorist organizations are operating in Brazil, despite being known to Western intelligence officials, a Brazilian magazine reports.
Veja, a weekly news magazine, said its report is based on reports it reviewed from Brazilian and U.S. authorities. In addition to raising and moving money, the operatives are believed to be involved in planning attacks. Brazil hosts the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 summer Olympics.
One, Khaled Hussein Ali, reportedly has been in Brazil since 1998, and runs an al-Qaida propaganda arm called "Jihad Media Battalion."
Officials long have identified the Tri-Border area between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina as a hub of Islamist terror activity. Despite this, "Brazil has not passed any specific anti-terrorism legislation, does not recognize Hizbollah or Hamas as terrorist groups and disbanded the Federal Police's anti-terrorism service in 2009," reports Robin Yapp of Britain's Telegraph newspaper.

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Nearly two dozen terror financiers and operatives from al-Qaida, Hizballah and other terrorist organizations are operating in Brazil, despite being known to Western intelligence officials, a Brazilian magazine reports.
Veja, a weekly news magazine, said its report is based on reports it reviewed from Brazilian and U.S. authorities. In addition to raising and moving money, the operatives are believed to be involved in planning attacks. Brazil hosts the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 summer Olympics.
One, Khaled Hussein Ali, reportedly has been in Brazil since 1998, and runs an al-Qaida propaganda arm called "Jihad Media Battalion."
Officials long have identified the Tri-Border area between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina as a hub of Islamist terror activity. Despite this, "Brazil has not passed any specific anti-terrorism legislation, does not recognize Hizbollah or Hamas as terrorist groups and disbanded the Federal Police's anti-terrorism service in 2009," reports Robin Yapp of Britain's Telegraph newspaper.

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Nearly two dozen terror financiers and operatives from al-Qaida, Hizballah and other terrorist organizations are operating in Brazil, despite being known to Western intelligence officials, a Brazilian magazine reports.
Veja, a weekly news magazine, said its report is based on reports it reviewed from Brazilian and U.S. authorities. In addition to raising and moving money, the operatives are believed to be involved in planning attacks. Brazil hosts the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 summer Olympics.
One, Khaled Hussein Ali, reportedly has been in Brazil since 1998, and runs an al-Qaida propaganda arm called "Jihad Media Battalion."
Officials long have identified the Tri-Border area between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina as a hub of Islamist terror activity. Despite this, "Brazil has not passed any specific anti-terrorism legislation, does not recognize Hizbollah or Hamas as terrorist groups and disbanded the Federal Police's anti-terrorism service in 2009," reports Robin Yapp of Britain's Telegraph newspaper.

Read more at:

Nearly two dozen terror financiers and operatives from al-Qaida, Hizballah and other terrorist organizations are operating in Brazil, despite being known to Western intelligence officials, a Brazilian magazine reports.
Veja, a weekly news magazine, said its report is based on reports it reviewed from Brazilian and U.S. authorities. In addition to raising and moving money, the operatives are believed to be involved in planning attacks. Brazil hosts the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 summer Olympics.
One, Khaled Hussein Ali, reportedly has been in Brazil since 1998, and runs an al-Qaida propaganda arm called "Jihad Media Battalion."
Officials long have identified the Tri-Border area between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina as a hub of Islamist terror activity. Despite this, "Brazil has not passed any specific anti-terrorism legislation, does not recognize Hizbollah or Hamas as terrorist groups and disbanded the Federal Police's anti-terrorism service in 2009," reports Robin Yapp of Britain's Telegraph newspaper.

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Nearly two dozen terror financiers and operatives from al-Qaida, Hizballah and other terrorist organizations are operating in Brazil, despite being known to Western intelligence officials, a Brazilian magazine reports.
Veja, a weekly news magazine, said its report is based on reports it reviewed from Brazilian and U.S. authorities. In addition to raising and moving money, the operatives are believed to be involved in planning attacks. Brazil hosts the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 summer Olympics.
One, Khaled Hussein Ali, reportedly has been in Brazil since 1998, and runs an al-Qaida propaganda arm called "Jihad Media Battalion."
Officials long have identified the Tri-Border area between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina as a hub of Islamist terror activity. Despite this, "Brazil has not passed any specific anti-terrorism legislation, does not recognize Hizbollah or Hamas as terrorist groups and disbanded the Federal Police's anti-terrorism service in 2009," reports Robin Yapp of Britain's Telegraph newspaper.

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