Friday, May 3, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Mother Jones Given Prestigious Magazine Award For DOCTORED Romney Tape

And people wonder why some magazines are in trouble. The very prestigious National Magazine Awards were given out last night in a ceremony at the New York Marriott Marquis. They are sponsored by the American Society of Magazine Editors, in association with Columbia Journalism School and considered the pinnacle of achievement in the magazine business.

Strangely the Video Award went to
Mother Jones, Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery, Editors, David Corn, Washington Bureau Chief, James West, Producer “Full Secret Video of Private Romney Fundraiser”
Yes that famous 47% Romney video which surfaced during the presidential campaign and surreptitiously recorded by Jimmy Carter's grandson. Publishing that video may have deserved an award for journalistic achievement if it wasn't fraudulently edited. A fact that was eventually conceded by the article's author Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief David Corn.

One of the controversies coming from that video was Romney’s remarks about the peace process in the Middle East. The video was edited to make it look like the candidate was against trying to make peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians---the liberal media went crazy over that comment.

However what Romney said was he will not push for peace until the Palestinians show they are ready to negotiate. The candidate saw the situation for what it is, that the Palestinians don’t want peace and until that changes, stability is the chief goal.

Eventually (after the controversy dominated a few news cycles with Corn saying there were no edits in the tape) Corn admitted the tape was doctored...but he didn't believe it was a substantial difference

In the video below Megyn Kelly shows the two different versions of the video.

Recently another Mother Jones/David Corn video came under scrutiny when it was discovered the transcript of a secretly taped Mitch McConnell re-election campaign meeting was fraudulently transcribed to make it seem the Senator was breaking the law by forcing his Senate Staff to work on his campaign while on the taxpayer's dime.

Shame on the National Magazine Awards!

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