Another entertaining and enlightening video from comedian Steven Crowder. He makes some valid points and makes one laugh at the same time comparing (and personally I believe Moshes and Elisha have them has them both topped).
Why Elisha? Because of Kings 2 verses 23 and 24, when Elisha teaches that you don't mess with bald guys:
And he went up from there unto Beit-El; and as he was going up along the derech, there came forth ne’arim ketannim out of the Ir, and jeered in mockery at him, and said unto him, Go on up, thou kere’ach (bald head); go on up, thou kere’ach.Some might say Elijah's successor has an anger management problem--but not me.
And he turned around, and looked on them, and cursed them in the Shem Hashem (the Name of God). And there came forth two dubim (female bears) out of the woods, and mauled 42 yeladim of them.
How cool is that! A couple of bullies make fun of Elisha and he becomes the defender of bald guys like me.
But I digress--below is Crowder's great video.
Oh and if you are an Islamist...I didn't put this video here (it was them dammed
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