Monday, May 27, 2013

REALITY STAR CRAVES ATTENTION? Trump spends $1M on 2016 Election Research

Now that Celebrity Apprentice is over, like a petulant child "The Donald," Donald Trump is looking for attention. The Real Estate magnate turned reality TV star  has spent more than $1 million on electoral research for a potential presidential run in 2016.
“Everybody tells me, ‘Please run for president. Please run for president.’ I would be much happier if a great and competent person came along,” Trump reportedly told attendees. “I’d be happy if President Obama did a great job. I’m a Republican, but before anything, I love this country. I would love to see somebody come in who is going to be great.”
No Mr. Trump everyone does not tell you to run for president.  Most in the GOP would beg you not to run.
Trump considered a run for the White House last year against Obama, but ultimately didn’t enter the race, instead making his attention-grabbing $5 million offer to the president to turn over his birth records. And when asked if he’d consider a political run, Trump recently said it was “highly unlikely.”

But Michael Cohen, executive vice president and special counsel to Trump, told us they commissioned the $1 million in research into Trump’s standing in each state, and to gauge those he would need to win over.

“The electoral research was commissioned. We did not spend $1 million on this research for it just to sit on my bookshelf,” Cohen said. “At this point Mr. Trump has not made any decision on a political run, but what I would say is that he is exactly what this country needs. The turnout at these political speeches indicates his following remains very strong and is growing.“

He added that by law, if Trump ran for the presidency or any government office, “He would be required to turn over control of his company either to one or all of his children or to a trust.”
In his Michigan speech, Trump predicted Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic front-runner, and that if Republicans “don’t pick the right person, it will be a landslide.”
If by some horrible twist of fate Trump does get the GOP nomination he would lead the party to the biggest loss in its history. Besides his silly belief in the birther conspiracy, Trump until he decided to promote himself for political office he didn't have many conservative positions. Remember some of these Trump positions:
  • "We must have universal healthcare": We must have universal healthcare. Our objective [should be] to make reforms for the moment and, longer term, to find an equivalent of the single-payer plan that is affordable, well-administered, and provides freedom of choice.  (Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.206-208 & 218)
  • Donald Trump favors a massive tax hike on Americans that would kill jobs and investment: I would impose a one-time, 14.25% tax on individuals and trusts with a net worth over $10 million. For individuals, net worth would be calculated minus the value of their principal residence. That would raise $5.7 trillion in new revenue, which we would use to pay off the entire national debt [and shore up the Social Security Trust Fund]. (Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.170-74)
  • Trump wants a 25% tax on all Chinese imports: "Twenty-five percent tax on China, unless they behave," he told O'Reilly. "You're threatening China with a trade bill. Twenty-five percent tariff. That's big," O'Reilly retorted. "No, they're threatening us. They're going to make a three hundred billion dollar, let's call it profit, this year on the United States." (Source: Fox News, 4/1/11,
  • Trump: "I'd love to have a trade war with China. If we did no business with China frankly we'd save a lot of money.": In a Fox News interview, Trump said “I’m a big free trade believer by the way.” A few minutes later he said “I’d love to have a trade war with China. If we did no business with China frankly we’d save a lot of money.” (Source:
  • In 1999, Trump opposed NAFTA: “KING: You shared Mr. Perot and Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Nader's belief with regard to NAFTA, right? You were an opponent of NAFTA? TRUMP: I am. And the reason NAFTA looks OK now is because the economy is strong, but when the economy is not strong, which, unfortunately, will at some point happen, NAFTA is going to look like a disaster.” (Source:
And his four bankruptcies does not instill confidence in his ability to run the economy.

The truth is as a politician Trump is a joke, his candidacy in 2012 was a joke. As he got more exposure, voters decided that they were not happy with a cussing, birther whose GOP credentials were at best suspect. Perhaps the Donald has nothing to do now that his show is over. The only ones helped by his self-aggrandizing flirtations with running for President are the Democrats use Trump to say that all Republicans are anti-trade, pro-universal healthcare birthers.

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