Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Israel’s Operation Defensive Edge: Justified, & Long Overdue Total Warfare Against Terrorism

Guest Post by Steven Kurlander

It’s been a number of days since Israeli troops entered the Gaza Strip and began its operation to stop Hamas from attempting to destroy the Jewish state one rocket at a time and there’s no end of the fighting in sight.

As each day passes, Israel’s “Operation Defensive Edge” is in fact materializing into a bloody, devastating war.

The end result is becoming more certain: Israel will, and should not, stop in its politically incorrect all out war against a Hamas that bases its war strategy on placing its population as human shields both to stop the more humane Israelis from totally crushing them militarily and to win a corresponding cynical public relations battle that has fueled a new wave of anti-Semitism in the western world.

We Americans need to man up in our support of the Israelis.

Despite our ongoing uber liberal weakness to stomach mass civilian casualties in the conduct of war (born out of our defeat in Vietnam and matured by our half-assed military and political efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan), Americans, and the Western World, needs to recognize that when it come to the survival of a nation, and not just loss of territory, total war is justified, particularly when the civilian population that is being destroyed is part and parcel in supporting the ideology and encouraging such warfare (much like our southern population during the Civil War).

The whole idea of precision warfare in terms of delivering ordinance and avoiding civilian casualties can’t apply in all theaters of war, and the Gaza Strip is one of those battlegrounds where it needs to be obliviated and its civilian population be made refugees in other countries in the region.

The Obama Administration’s reaction to the fighting was so predictable. Secretary of State John Kerry, whose failed and rather stupid conduct of foreign policy in the Mideast has resulted in a meltdown of civilization in the region, in fact has become practically an Ambassador of goodwill for Hamas in his pathetic effort to broker a cease fire between the combatants.

Instead of encouraging the Israelis to obliviate Hamas, which would send a strong message to other terror groups and governments that the growing wave of terror by rockets building in the 21st century won’t be tolerated, the Obama Administration has joined the handwringing about the poor civilians losing their lives in Gaza (and sadly not so much on Israeli soil).

Press Secretary Josh Earnest recently went on record castigating the Israelis, stating, “there is more (Israel) should do” in their conduct of war that is resulting in civilian casualties in Gaza.

In response, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. to “strong objection” to Earnest’s remarks, arguing that the Israelis are “doing a superhuman job to avoid casualties.”

No matter how the Israelis conduct this “operation,” which is a total war of survival, it can’t win on the the inhumane casualty war on the CNN front-and shouldn’t care about it either.

Hamas, and its supporting population, shouldn’t be allowed to exist anymore in the Gaza Strip.

And Obama and Kerry and their fellow weak kneed followers need to follow Hamas’ fellow brothers, who have stepped back from supporting their cause in this round of war, and stop castigating Israel in its effort to form a justified no man’s land in the Gaza Strip.

The Israelis, and America too, have reached the point where we must recognize, no matter how it looks on cable news, that once in a while, barbaric and unrestrained warfare is justified and even righteous in the conduct of human civilization.

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