Sunday, July 27, 2014

Laura Rozen is Distributing Document Typed/Edited By Al Jazeera As Kerry's Cease Fire Proposal

Laura Rozen a veteran Middle East Reporter with an anti-Israel slant has hit a new low. Now a reporter at al-Monitor Rozen has been spending much of her Sunday defending the State Department against Israeli claims the proposed 7-day Kerry cease-fire was so bad it could have been written by Hamas. Rozen has been arguing on Twitter that the Israelis are lying about Kerry's proposal. She specifically bases her accusations on a copy of a cease-fire plan that she was given. The document she is referring to was typed and edited by employees of al-Jazeera.

Yes it was in WORD! I have never received a document such as that in word.  Always PDF or JPEG so they can't be changed.

She specifically bases her accusations on a copy of a ceasefire plan that she was given. She links to the word document here.
Perhaps Ms Rozen should have checked the metadata of the document it appears under File/properties.  Take a look at these screen shots:

The initial document/transcription was done by Natalie Younis, a Doha (Qatar) based Al Jazeera reporter, and the last person to edit it was by Katie Turner, a Doha-based AJ producer.

Putting it another way, employees of a propaganda organ run by the country who is a major sugar-daddy of Hamas, fed a pro-Qatari document to Laura Rozen, who then uncritically picked it up and ran with it on the assumption that Israelis are liars.  That is what is considered Journalism in today's media world.

Note..this was first discovered by  Gerald Steinberg of NGO Monitor

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