Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Proving That Both Bill Clinton And Charlie Crist Are Nothing But Political Hacks

Bill Clinton will stump for Florida gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist Friday, the latest in a series of high-profile Democratic endorsements for the Republican-turned-Democrat.

The former president will join Crist at 6 p.m. in downtown Miami at the J.W. Marriott Marquis Hotel at an event open to the public.

"He’s [Clinton's] better than anyone at explaining why what we’re doing matters. I’m looking forward to kicking off the final two months of this campaign with him," Crist said when announcing the event Saturday.
Politics makes strange bedfellow, in 1998 Charlie Christ was running for the Senate and called for Bill Clinton to resign.


  1. What property was Valerie Jarrett involved with that she wanted to sell to build the Olympic Village on if Chicago got the next Olympics instead of Rio?

  2. I especially like the part where some poor guy is freezing in the Chicago winter, and when the city sues the landlord to turn the heat on, Barack Obama defends the landlord. It shows what a true man of the people Barack is!

  3. Always some kind of IF IF IF story to defend the criminals in the White House.

  4. Chicago is the cesspool of dead-beat landords, grifters, and gangs.
    Now they are living in 'the people's house'.


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