Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Newsbusted: Serious Questioning Of Loretta Lynch's A.G. Qualifications (She's Never Done Gun Running To Mexico)

President Obama has named Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder as U.S. Attorney General.  But as Newsbusted Anchor Jodie Miller (see video below) has discovered there are serious questions about Ms. Lynch's qualifications for the office.  She has never dismissed charges against the New Black Panthers after a Judge convicted them, never participated in the IRS targeting of conservative organizations and has never run guns to Mexico.

Other news items covered in the latest installment of Newsbusted the twice- weekly faux news feature from Newsbusters.org (embedded below) include; Vladimir Putin beats out Obama for title of most powerful man in the world; MSNBC's pitiful election ratings; Net Neutrality; Prince Charles' Birthday;  and much, much more.

Please make sure you watch the video below because something bad always happens to the people who don't. For example last week a former architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber forgot to press play and ever almost everyday since another embarrassing video of him has been released.

Oh and if you cannot see the video player below please click here


  1. No way....Rev. Al, the premier Race-Traitor, is also a crook? Oh my....Go figure.....and you have to wonder why the rioters (Oops, I meant Protesters) in Ferguson have no respect for the law? With examples like their leader, Rev. Al and Obola, Holder, Jackson....It's clear they have been receiving the wrong message from the Black leadership in this Country. Time to change that.......Jail for Rev Al and all looters......

  2. FTA: "The truth is Mr. Sharpton should be committed to a penal institution."

    Yes. Why isn't he in prison?

  3. Sharpton is a race hater, liar, and a fool but he sure is a great blackmailer which is his real career and how he has made his fortune. I love watching all those Obama toadies call him Rev. on M.S.N.B.C.

  4. Sharpton promotes / instigate violence, hate, riots....to obtain money.....not exactly 'for the cause'....but selfishly fro himself,...and although he is all the way up to and beyond debts to the American public for his felonies he is backed-up and supported by others like him,...others crooks, liars, anti-americans, corrupted individuals....and among that type, them are,.... Obama, Holder,,,,just mention two.
    Are we all clear on this?.....Yes?....or....no?


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