Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Report: IDF Creates Special Unit To Prepare For Attack On Iran (Real, Bluster, or Both?)

There is report that Israel is creating a special team to examine and evaluate military options against Iran.  Israel has been evaluating military options against Iran for years, so the question raised is this a new effort, or is it a warning to the United States and Iran?  Certainly the deal as it is being formed will not stop Iran from building nukes so Israel may feel in the end they will have to take care of the situation by themselves.  Interestedly the leak of this info comes the same day the U.S. announced they have given up on trying to inspect Iran's nuclear sites and the P5+1 negotiators are extending the deadline to reach a deal with Iran to July 7th.

Late this afternoon Arutz Sheva posted:
The Hebrew-language Walla! reported Tuesday that it has learned from a foreign source that IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot has appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Yair Golan to head a special team tasked with examining the military options against Iran.

The team would explore what kind of striking options are available to Israel after a deal with Iran is signed.

By appointing such a senior IDF official to the team, it is estimated that Israel is considering the signing of a deal to be a game changer which would require a serious reevaluation of the regional situation, and likely necessitate military action against Iran.

Sources close to Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) say there is a pressing need to present a powerful military option against Iran, a reality which is being used to demand that the defense budget not be reduced by the Knesset.

For over 15 years the IDF has been examining the possibility of military action against Iran's ever burgeoning nuclear program, and the majority of the funding for such preparedness has gone to the Israeli Air Force (IAF) and the IDF's intelligence branch.
The news about the special unit may be a bit of bravado incited by the announcement that the U.S. has given up on inspecting Iranian military sites.
"The entry point isn't we must be able to get into every military site, because the United States of America wouldn't allow anybody to get into every military site, so that's not appropriate," the official said.
In other words Iran will designate which sites the inspectors can't look at and that's where they will do their nuclear work
Yesterday Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu began a meeting of the Knesset defense committee with a message about the Iranian talks:
"I am not impressed by the potholes in the nuclear talks. To my regret, what we are seeing are Iran's increasing demands, and the major powers' concessions which are also increasing, in keeping with the Iranian pressure. This agreement is going from a bad agreement to a worse agreement, and is becoming worse by the day. In effect, it is paving Iran's way to being not only a major power with one or two nuclear bombs, but with an unlimited arsenal within a decade with the possibility of achieving several atomic bombs beforehand, by violating the monitoring which, in any case, is full of holes. Above all, in addition to this, the agreement also gives Iran many billions of dollars, apparently hundreds of billions of dollars, within a short time, which will allow it to finance its increasing aggression, first of all the murderous stranglehold it is using around the State of Israel, but also in other parts of the Middle East that are subject to its aggression, such as Yemen, Iraq and many other places. "
One thing about the IDF leaks are very rare. Usually they only happen when the IDF wants to send a message.  Israel is continuing to prepare for the military option because, frankly they have to protect their citizens.  And the report may be true, Israel may very well have created a special unit to prepare, or update a military option. It is probably something that had already existed. Most likely it was a message...an attack on Iran is not imminent it but the Jewish State wants everyone to know it is still on the table, Obama may be capitulating to Iran, but Israel cannot. 

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