Friday, June 26, 2015

State Dept.: Hillary Never Gave Us Blumenthal Emails (What Else Did She Omit?)

Hillary Channeling Britney Spears, "Oops, I did it again."

On one hand it was only fifteen emails, on the other hand there is no way to figure out what else she didn't turn over. Searching all of the Clinton emails on its servers, the State Department yesterday admitted that they were missing "all or part of 15 emails from longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal released this week by a House panel investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya."

However Ms. Clinton's spokesman denies there were any documents withheld.

"She has turned over 55,000 pages of materials to the State Department, including all emails in her possession from Mr. Blumenthal," said Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill on Thursday.

Officials said the exchanges with Blumenthal were not among the 55,000 pages of emails Clinton handed over to the State Department, even though Clinton insisted she gave her former agency all of her work-related correspondence from private account during her time at State.

"We have confirmed that the emails Secretary Clinton provided the department include almost all of the material in Mr. Blumenthal's production," one of the officials said. "There here are, however, a limited number of instances 15 in which we could not locate all or part of the content of a document from his production within the tens of thousands of emails she gave us. But the official added, "The substance of those 15 emails is not relevant to the 2012 attacks in Benghazi."
Whether or not the emails had anything to do with Benghazi is not really the issue.  The real issue is that neither the State Dept., the Congressional Committee, or anyone else would have known about the existence of the emails if Blumenthal hadn't turned them over. This raises two key questions. First do we know for sure if Blumenthal, the long time friend of the Clintons turned over all the emails in his possession? The answer is he may have but we have no way of knowing for sure. The second and similar question is are there any other "non-State Dept." advisers who sent emails Ms. Clinton that no one knows about? Again the answer is maybe, but we can't know for sure.

With other people Americans may be able to buy the argument that "oops we left out 15 emails." But this is Hillary Clinton and if with all of the scandals and misstatements she has she made of the years, there is can be only one truth about her.  She cannot be trusted unless her statements can be verified by an outside neutral source.

With all due respect, I would never accept a check from someone with that reputation, nor would I ever recommend, support, or vote for someone like that to run the federal checking account. She simply can't be trusted.

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