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Thursday, April 12, 2007


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New York, NY, April 11, 2007 - The Jewish & Israel Blog Awards, aka The JIBs (TLV: JIB) announced today the schedule for the the 2007 awards program. Excitement is bubbling throughout the JBlogosphere, the Jewish and Israel blogging community, as various blogs prepare to strut their stuff and put their best post forward.

For 2007, with the encouragement of the founder of the JIBs, Dave at, a group of JBloggers (Jewish Bloggers) formed the JIB Committee and developed the new JibAwards.Com award site. The committee has created the site, prepared the rules and schedule, and is preparing the actual awards.

The awards schedule is: Nominations - April 12 - April 19. First Round of Voting - April 22 - April 29. Finals Round - May 1 - May 9. May 14, All Winners Officially Announced.

As the Blogosphere has grown tremendously over the past year and blogs have become a major source of news, insight, and political impact, the same has happened within the Jewish community. Blogs have become a major source of Jewish community news, Israeli advocacy, Torah education and religious information sharing, and Jewish religious inreach. At many a Shabbos table, the dvar Torah being read is from a blog. With such an increase in number and impact of Jewish blogs, this years contest promises to be special.

The 2007 JIB's are made possible by the generous sponsorship of IsraStudio.Com, a full service multi-media web developer, and Coyotech.Com, a web site development consultant.



Anonymous said...

HOw do these kids plan on publicizing this to the many many bloggers who might happen to not be listed on jrants or jblogsphere?

At least when it was run a by a newspaper they had a great way to publicize the awards.
these awards limit the number of sites that can participate as long as the information only exists between a relatively small group of bloggers who enjoy patting each other on the back on a regular basis.

Unknown said...

We rely on fine people like you to spread the word...