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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Olmert to Buy New Weapons and Training to Prepare for Next war

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Olmerts favorite Sport

In a sad story, after meeting with Abbas yesterday Israeli Prime Minister, that Elmer Fudd look-alike Elmer Olmert has decided that additional arms and training will be necessary for the next war against Palestinian Terrorists and that training should come from the US.

The sad part of Olmert isn't talking about weapons and training for Israelis, no he has agreed ti a US plan to arm and train Abbas' terrorist Fatah Organization.According to the plan, the US will transfer weapons and funding to the Fatah forces, who will be trained in their use at American-built facilities. The instructors will be from the Arab states, but may also include Americans.
Abu Yousuf, a Fatah militant from Abba's Force 17 security forces, told WND while some of the weapons may be used in confrontations against Hamas, the bulk of the American arms would be utilized to "hit the Zionists." Source

PM Olmert's Concessions to Fatah Include Arms, Training
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz (

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has agreed to an American plan to provide weapons and training to expanded numbers of Fatah militia members in the Palestinian Authority, those forces supposedly loyal to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). According to the plan, the US will transfer weapons and funding to the Fatah forces, who will be trained in their use at American-built facilities. The instructors will be from the Arab states, but may also include Americans. Prime Minister Olmert's agreement to the plan was relayed by diplomatic officials following his meeting with Abbas on Sunday in Jerusalem. During the meeting, Abbas explained to the Prime Minister the details of a new PA security plan, including the deployment The Dayton Plan is expected to cost US taxpayers a total of about $59 million. of the US weapons. The American plan to arm the PA's Fatah gangs is nicknamed the "Dayton Plan" after Washington's security coordinator to the PA, Lieutenant-General Keith Dayton, who helped devise it. It includes further Israeli concessions such as increased Arab traffic through the Karni checkpoint, a central Gaza crossing into pre-1967 Israel. A new, modern facility will be built there at a cost of over $25 million. The Dayton Plan, if implemented in full, is expected to cost US taxpayers a total of about $59 million. During his meeting with the PA Chairman, Prime Minister Olmert agreed to extend operational hours at Gaza's Karni Crossing, as well as to eliminate many of the IDF checkpoints throughout Judea and Samaria. The checkpoints were originally established in key strategic positions to hamper movement of terrorists and arms. In exchange, Abbas again promised to try to stop Kassam rocket and other terrorist attacks against Israel. Among the measures he detailed for Olmert was the plan to deploy the new US-armed Fatah gunmen along the Philadelphi Route, between Egypt and Gaza, and at the Karni Crossing, in order to prevent the smuggling of arms from the Sinai into the PA and from Gaza into pre-1967 Israel. The same Arab troops designated to prevent the smuggling of arms from Egypt have been the recipients of arms smuggled via the same route since the founding of the PA.

Abbas also repeated previous statements that he would try to win the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, held by his Hamas coalition partners; however, the PA has sent Israel a list of imprisoned convicted terrorists it wants released in exchange for the soldier.

The same Arab troops designated to prevent the smuggling of arms from Egypt have been the recipients of such arms.

Since the January 2006 Hamas electoral landslide victory in the PA, through Sunday's meeting, which was carried out at the behest of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the Olmert government has agreed to several arms shipments to Fatah-affiliated militias in the PA. The plan to which Olmert has now reportedly given his consent was developed in late 2006 by PA officials and Lt. Gen. Keith W. Dayton, Washington's Security Coordinator for the Palestinians.

Aside from elements of the Dayton Plan discussed at the Olmert-Abbas meeting, the Bethlehem-based Ma'an news agency reported that Prime Minister Olmert spoke about the "political perspectives to the establishment of a Palestinian state." However, according to Miri Eisin, spokeswoman for Prime Minister Olmert, no "final status" issues were raised with PA Chairman Abbas. "They talked about a political horizon," she added, referring to "economic ideas that can be implemented."

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