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Monday, November 19, 2007

Omert Agrees to Palestinian Return?!?

If Aaron Klein's source is correct, Ehud Olmert has agreed to the destruction of Israel. The purpose of the Palestinian Law of Return is to flood Israel with Arabs so the Jewish Population is no longer the Majority---It is the death Knell for Israel as a Jewish state.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert agreed in principle to allow a number of Palestinian Arabs living in what the United Nations terms refugee camps to enter Israel as part of an Israeli-Palestinian accord, according to a senior Palestinian negotiator speaking to WND....

Allowing any number of so-called Palestinian refugees to enter Israel would serve as an admission on Israel's part that millions of Palestinians living in U.N.-maintained camps are indeed refugees and have a legitimate right to live in Israel.

The Palestinian negotiator, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Olmert's team agreed in principle let a select number of Palestinians living in U.N.-maintained refugee camps into Israel in a series of phases that could take up to 15 years.

Though the negotiator said an exact number had not yet been determined, he indicated there could be as many as 20,000 Palestinians living in U.N. camps, with an initial phase of several hundred entering Israel with one year of an agreement. He said the first batch of entering Palestinian Arabs would consist of a sampling from the oldest residents of various U.N. camps.

David Baker, a spokesperson for Olmert, had no comment on the report Olmert agreed to allow a number of declared refugees to enter Israel.

The Palestinian negotiator said the Israeli and Palestinians teams have been hammering out the exact language to be used at a U.S.-sponsored summit slated for Annapolis later this month at which Olmert is widely expected to outline a Palestinian state in most of the West Bank in a joint agreement of principles signed by the Israeli leader and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Read the entire article here: Israel to allow 'Palestinian refugees' to 'return'?

1 comment:

jack said...

citizens of israel,are you blind? are you insane>? can't you see that this criminaly insane,traitorous,incompotent clueless swine,is out to destroy your country,there is only one way to stop this,march up by the millions [yes by the millions]to jerusalem,storm the knesset building,and physicaly drag this traitorous swine,out of his prime ministers office,and put him on trial for high treason,and if found guilty [which i am sure he is]hang him by his neck.
if you will not do it immediately,
you might as well start packing your bags,you will lose your beautiful country
chaim schonbrun