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Monday, December 24, 2007

What Reform Judaism Doesn't Tell You About Jerusalem.

Rabbi Yoffie, head of the Reform Movement has a view of honesty that is anything but Yofi (slang for beautiful in Hebrew):

Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) head Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie said he objected to last week's decision by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations because it was politically motivated.

He said the vote was intended as a jab at Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's policy of holding talks with the Palestinian Authority, negotiations that some fear will eventually lead to dividing Jerusalem between Israel and the Palestinians as part of a long-term peace deal.

"The timing of the vote and its reiteration of the groups' well-known stance sends a wrong message stemming not from concern for Jerusalem, but to demonstrate displeasure with PM Olmert," Yoffie said. Source Haaretz

Here's the part that Rabbi Yoffi doesn't tell you. Reform Judaism does NOT have the ties to Jerusalem that the other branches do. Jerusalem is a place where you can learn about tradition, but according to Reform tradition there will never be a Third Temple. Thats why Reform synagogues are called Temples, something you will never see a Conservative, or Orthodox Shul called.

Conservative and Orthodox Jews consider Jerusalem to be the heart of Judaism Reform theology does not. Bimas in many Reform "temples"do not face Jerusalem, in Conservative and Orthodox Shuls they ALL do.Reform Judaism has removed all direct references to the Temple, although some indirect or ambiguous references (e.g. "Happy are those who dwell in your House", Psalm 84:5) are retained.

So when you read about Rabbi Yoffi argue against the movement to keep Jerusalem undivided, keep in mind that to the reform movement Jerusalem is a museum, to the rest of the Jews it is the life line of Judaism yesterday, today AND tomorrow.

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