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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Poll-Americans Don't Believe the Media

Much of the Mainstream Media has a low opinion of the American people. They believe them to be mindless cattle who are easy to influence. To the MSM, it was propaganda that got us into the war on terror, and it is their job to use propaganda to get us out. The problem with that theory, is that the American people are not dumb. They mistrust government and ask lots of questions which is why people tend to gravitate toward the conservative point of view. And one thing's for sure they see through the Mainstream Media's act.

A poll conducted by Sacred Heart University asked people about the Mainstream Media. Most Americans felt that the media is not neutral, it tries to influence public opinion and policy. They feel that most media has a STRONG liberal bent, and that Fox news is the most accurate of news services.

A Sacred Heart University Poll found significantly declining percentages of Americans saying they believe all or most of media news reporting. In the current national poll, just 19.6% of those surveyed could say they believe all or most news media reporting.....
....“The fact that an astonishing percentage of Americans see biases and partisanship in their mainstream news sources suggests an active and critical consumer of information in the U.S.” stated James Castonguay, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of SHU’s Department of Media Studies & Digital Culture. “The availability of alternative viewpoints and news sources through the Internet no doubt contributes to the increased skepticism about the objectivity of profit-driven news outlets owned by large conglomerates,” he continued.
The perception is growing among Americans that the news media attempts to influence public opinion ... is 87.6% in 2007. And, 86.0% agreed (strongly or somewhat) that the news media attempts to influence public policies.
Americans surveyed provided poor ratings for the national news media on six different characteristics measured. The average overall positive rating across all six characteristics measured was 33.4%. The highest positive rating, 40.7%, was recorded for quality of reporting followed by accuracy of reporting at 36.9% and keeping any personal bias out of stories (33.3%).

The most trusted national TV news organizations, for accurate reporting, in declining order included: Fox News (27.0%), CNN (14.6%), and NBC News (10.90%). These were followed by ABC News (7.0%), local news (6.9%), CBS News (6.8%) MSNBC (4.0%), PBS News (3.0%), CNBC (0.6%) and CBN (0.5%).
Americans know bias and imbalance when they see it and they don’t like it. When most service organizations strive for consumer satisfaction ratings in the high eighties to low nineties, an overall positive rating of 40.7% is dismal,” said Jerry C. Lindsley, director of the Sacred Heart University Polling Institute. He added, “Americans know that it’s just not that hard to present both sides and keep personal bias at home.”
By four-to-one margins, Americans surveyed see The New York Times (41.9% to 11.8%) and National Public Radio (40.3% to 11.2%) as mostly or somewhat liberal over mostly or somewhat conservative.

By a three-to-one margin, Americans see news media journalists and broadcasters (45.4% to 15.7%) as mostly or somewhat liberal over mostly or somewhat conservative.

And, by a two-to-one margin, Americans see CNN (44.9% to 18.4%) and MSNBC (38.8% to 15.8%) as mostly or somewhat liberal over mostly or somewhat conservative.

Just Fox News was seen as mostly and somewhat conservative (48.7%) over mostly or somewhat liberal (22.3%).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

..and you think you've got problems in the USA.

Here in Britanistan we've got a bloated parasitic state broadcasting system who charge us an extortionate TV license fee so they can hire otherwise unemployable marxists to force feed us a stream of Islamo-Stalinist anti-semitic sewage.

If the TV license were to be abolished these leeches would have to earn a living in the real world.