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Monday, December 6, 2010

Obama's FCC Commissioner- Free Internet is a Civil Right (Especially for Nappy-Headed Children)

It must be in the constitution somewhere.  The guarantee of free internet.  Maybe its there under the part where the constitution guarantees health care for all whether you want it or not.  Or it could be under the provision that says:
"The President is to enforce all laws equally except in the case of radical organizations such as the New Black Panthers or other African American organizations trying to intimidate Caucasian voters from voting the wrong way. Housing organizations that commit voter fraud by registering illegible voters multiple times, cartoon characters, or the deceased are not to be prosecuted, as long as they are named after the seed of an oak tree."
It gotta be there because Commissioner Mignon L. Clyburn who was appointed to the FCC by President Obama says so. Actually what she says is that every "Nappy Headed child should get free internet." (an obvous slight toward bald people). Just watch the video below:

This is another example of what the progressives who run this country are trying to do, turn us from a nation of self-sufficient people into one that depends on the government for everything. Of course internet access is not a civil right. And almost every library in America has free access. This claim by Ms Clyburn is just another way of re-distribution of income and another way of expanding the power of government.


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