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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thank You Mark Levin: The Great One Meets The Bald One

Mark Levin at Yesterday's Book Signing
I don't get awestruck easy, perhaps because I've met famous people through my early career in acting and my wife's family in show-business.  But yesterday I met Mark Levin and ended up floating rather than walking away.

My daughter's flight arrived late from Florida yesterday (she was visiting her grandfather) and barely made it in time to the bookstore where "the Great One" was signing his new book Ameritopia (click on picture below to purchase a copy).

When we made it to the front of the line, I thanked Levin for helping me with my diet. I explained to him that one of the times I listen to his show is during my drive home for dinner from the train station. Lately during my drive home, Levin has mentioned NY Senator Chuck Schumer and my stomach is sick for hours.

I also thanked him for the times he has mentioned my site on air, he asked me which site was mine, when I told him he smiled and excitedly said, "you're Yidwithlid, I read it all the time--I'm a fan!"

Mark Levin Shakes My Daughter's Hand

HOLY COW!  A Fan????

I mumbled something about how wonderful that made me feel and floated down the stairs.

Thank You Mark Levin! Whether you regularly read "The Lid" or was just trying to make me feel good it doesn't really matter because either way it made me feel great!

1 comment:

The Vigilante said...

I feel some of your pride. Mark Levin is a terrific guy and has contributed greatly to increasing the depth of my understanding of how this great republic should work.