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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Must See New Romney Ad Features Clinton Bashing Obama

Last night Bill Clinton stood on the DNC stage and told tall tales about the Obama's presidency, Romney's positions and the American Economy.  But then again he had no other choice,  Clinton is seen as more moderate and better respected than Obama. The Reelection campaign hopes that some Clinton "Good Will" rubs off on Obama.

Clinton and Obama have never been bosom buddies, except when political expediency has driven them together.   In fact a recent Politico piece  featured some of Bubba's best jabs at Obama.

This  fun commercial from Team Romney reminds us that yesterday's speech had nothing to do with Bubba supporting Obama and had everything to do with Bubba wanting to be adored by the DNC masses.

AD FACTS: Script For “Give Me A Break”:

VOICEOVER: “As the economy gets worse, Barack Obama calls on Bill Clinton to help his failing campaign.

VIDEO TEXT: “Obama Economy Even Worse”

· “The Obama Economy Is Weaker Than Previously Forecast And Darker Days Lie Ahead.” (Donald Lambro, Op-Ed, “Obama Economy Even Worse Than Anticipated,” The Washington Times, 8/23/12)

PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: “It’s about which candidate is more likely to return us to full employment.”

· PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: “It’s about which candidate is more likely to return us to full employment.” (Obama For America’s, “Clear Choice”, 8/23/12)


VOICEOVER: “He’s a good soldier—helping his party’s president. But what did Bill Clinton say about Barack Obama in 2008?”

VIDEO TEXT: “What Did Clinton Say About Obama In 2008?”

PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: “Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen.”

· PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: “Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen.” (Bill Clinton, Remarks, Hanover, NH, 1/7/08)

VIDEO TEXT: “23 Million Americans Struggling For Work”

· More Than Twenty-Three Million Americans Are Unemployed, Underemployed, Or Have Stopped Looking For Work. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, 8/26/12)

VOICEOVER: “23 million Americans struggling for work.”

VIDEO TEXT: “‘The Middle Class Falls Further Behind’”

· CNN Money: “The Middle Class Falls Further Behind” (Aaron Smith, “The Middle Class Falls Further Behind,” CNN Money, 8/22/12)

VOICEOVER: “A middle class falling further behind.”

PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: “Give me a break.”

· PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: “Give me a break.” (Bill Clinton, Remarks, Hanover, NH, 1/7/08)

MITT ROMNEY: “I’m Mitt Romney and I approved this message.”

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