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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Obama Expands Class Warfare Campaign With New Hashtag

The War on Terrorism may be over (at least according to the President) but the War on Success continues.

Later today President Obama will deliver remarks at an event at the White House with middle class Americans who would see their income taxes go up if Congress fails to act to extend the middle class tax cuts.  However the President and the progressives in Congress will refuse to extend the tax cuts if successful people who make over $200K (families over $250K) are not singled out to pay a higher tax rate.

According to a White House press release:
Last week, David Plouffe asked the White House email list to tell us why extending income tax cuts for middle class families is so important. We heard from thousands of Americans from across the country, and on Wednesday more than 85 of those people will come to the White House to hear President Obama encourage even more Americans to speak out and push Congress to protect middle class Americans from an income tax increase at the end of the year.  A typical middle class family of four would see its taxes rise by $2,200 if Congress doesn’t act.

Tomorrow, the White House will launch a new effort to help let Americans’ voices be heard in this debate, launching the #My2K online push to pass the middle class tax cuts.  A year ago, during another big fight to protect middle class families, tens of thousands of working Americans called and tweeted and emailed their Representatives asking them to do the right thing. The same thing happened earlier this year when college students across the country stood up and demanded that Congress keep rates low on student loans.  When the American people speak out they help get things done in Washington -- and the President tomorrow will ask the American people to once again to add their voices to this effort.

After the President’s event, the White House will call on Americans across the country to share on Twitter what #My2K means to them, as well as on other social media channels, and on We'll highlight the #My2K stories received on and through social media to elevate the impact of inaction for middle class families.
As for the President, it seems with his new hashtag and latest road trip his objective is to continue campaigning for class warfare rather than to seek a real solution to the problems of this country.

(note for those of you who came to this post looking for something longer, based on a friends suggested I have taken the second half of this post and expanded upon it...should be up by 7PM)

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