There is an old joke:
A well-dressed man approached a voluptuously beautiful young woman on the street and said, "Would you have sex with me for a million dollars?"Speaker John Boehner's offered to accept a return to the Clinton era taxes levels for the Americans making $1,000,000 or more was nothing short of a total capitulation to the President's war on success, and an attack on those who's income will help turn around the economy. His deal also included a total of one trillion dollars worth of new taxes if the president accepts one trillion dollars worth of entitlement cuts.
"For a MILLION dollars?!" she replied, more than a little stunned, "Of course I would!"
"Well, would you sleep with me for twenty five dollars?"
"Twenty five dollars? Don't be ridiculous! What kind of girl do you take me for, anyway?"
"We've already established what kind of girl you are; now we're just haggling over price."
Although the White House has not accepted Boehner's gambit, it could push negotiations away from entrenched, ideological positions.This is the second time the speaker has offered a deal without any response from the White House. Just a week ago he offered $800 Billion in revenue increases via closing "loopholes." Now without a White House counter offer, Boehner has upped his offer and, for the first time agreed to a tax rate increase. Its called negotiating with yourself--and anyone schooled in negotiation will tell you, it will not lead to a compromise, but a capitulation.
"Boehner has now accepted the premise of higher rates. So now we're just arguing over details. I think it's a significant step," said Greg Valliere, chief political strategist at Potomac Research Group.
Now that Boehner has put a tax rate increase on the table he has few cards left in his hand to play. as the old Joke says "We've already established what kind of girl you are; now we're just haggling over price."
In this case we've already established that Boehner will agree to raise the tax rates, now they are just haggling over the income level. I predict, when it is all said and done Boehner will agree to the tax increase on incomes much closer to the president's position of $200K for single earners, $250K for households.
Let's see he threw the tea party kids out and he's accepted an immoral offer for monetary reasons, so if the House Republicans keep him as Speaker does this make them pimps?