Wednesday, December 26, 2012

PROOF! Former President George HW Bush is Jewish

Bush 41, Former President George HW Bush is still ailing in a Houston hospital, and I certainly hope he regains his health soon.  Love or hate his politics he still is a decent man who served this country for almost his entire life.

There was an item in Today's Houston Chronicle about the elder Bush's Christmas in the hospital leading me to believe the former POTUS may in fact be Jewish:
Former President George H.W. Bush noshed on Chinese food with his wife and a few family members as he spent Christmas in a Houston hospital, where setbacks following a persistent cough have kept him from going home.
 Chinese food? Christmas?  Ladies and Gentlemen I rest my case.

And Mr. President  ---refuah shleimah (may you have a complete recovery).

1 comment:

  1. Ref:"And Mr. President ---refuah shleimah (may you have a complete recovery)."

    Listen to the arrogant traitor here:


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