Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Newsbusted: New Al Gore Claim "I Invented Jihad"

Al Gore is the master of self promotion, sometimes deservedly so, he was the one who invented the internet, the super computer, planters warts, and helped to sell the world on the global warming hoax.  Sadly his Current TV project was a flop so he had to sell-out the network to Al-Jazeera, which did not make the network's staff very happy. According to the NY Post,  some of them met with their new Sultans yesterday and showed their displeasure which was thick enough to cut with a scimitar.
“We all know now that Al Gore is nothing but a bulls***ter,” said the staffer bluntly.
We do stories on the tax code, and he sells the network before the tax code kicked in?
“Al was always lecturing us about green. He kept his word about green all right—as in cold, hard cash!”
But all is not lost for the former VP turned exploiter of climate issues. In  special report in today's Newsbusted Anchor Jodi Miller tells us that just as he claimed he invented the internet...he now claims that the invented Jihad. 

Other news items covered in the latest installment of Newsbusted the twice-weekly faux news feature from Newsbusters.org (embedded below) include;  behind-the-scenes intrigue regarding the Boehner speaker vote, new Obama programs coming out of the fiscal cliff deal, the new TV show "Stars in Danger," and much, much, more.

Please make sure you watch the video below because something bad always happens to the people who don't.  Last week Taylor Swift forgot to press play and Actor Harry Styles dumped her. So if you don't want to be dumped by your latest love interest you better press play.

Oh and if you cannot see the video player below please click here.

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