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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Newsbusted: Rove on Romney's CPAC Speech "He Still May Win Ohio"

Here's another story the Mainstream Media missed. They were all over Sarah Palin for her pokes at Karl Rove during he speech at CPAC last Saturday, and of course they covered Rove's snarky response on Sunday.  But what they didn't cover was Rove's reaction to Mitt Romney's speech.

The former GOP Presidential candidate gave an adress which basically said thank you to his supporters:
"Thank you again for your help and support along our journey," he said. "Ann and I will treasure these memories all the days of our lives." 
According to a special report in today's Newsbusted via Anchor Jodi Miller (see video below), GOP political strategist was very impressed with Romney's speech and said it was better than any address he gave before election day.  Rove says he was so impressed he has moved Ohio back in to the undecided category for the 2012 election.

Other news items covered in the latest installment of Newsbusted the weekly faux news feature from (embedded below) include; more on the new Pope; how Chris Christie celebrated St. Patrick's Day; a woman gives birth at Walmart; and much, much, more

Please make sure you watch the video below because something bad always happens to the people who don't. Last week Donald Trump forgot to press play and no one showed up for his CPAC speech.  So if you don't want to talk to yourself...make sure to press play.

Oh and if you cannot see the video player below please click here.

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