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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Israpundant Blows the Doors off of NJDC's Move On Cover Up

The Usual Great Job from Israpundant

National Jewish Democratic Council,’s Judas Goat

Filed under: Front Page
by Bill Levinson
A Judas goat is a trained and often well-fed animal that plays on its identity as, for example, a goat, sheep, or steer to get similar animals to follow it up the ramp to the meat packing factory. The National Jewish Democratic Council is similarly using its “Jewish” identity to knowingly and willfully whitewash’s tolerance of hate speech at its Action Forum.
The following pictures underscore the Judas goat concept. Queers Undermining Israeli Terror (QUIT) and Boycott World Pride seek to boycott the controversial gay pride event which is to be held in Jerusalem. QUIT and Boycott World Pride trade on their nominally-gay identity to convince other gay people that Israel is a bad country and its militant “Islamic” neighbors are fine and dandy.

Now suppose, for example, that Nazis managed to get a few members of the Jewish community to usher other Jews into cattle cars while reassuring them that they were going to a nice recreational relocation facility even though they had seen the gas chambers and crematoria. The National Jewish Democratic Council has proven itself a Jewish Judas goat as illustrated here for certain other “Jewish” organizations, with exactly the same ethics as a Jew who would tell other Jews to get in the cattle car.

On October 27 NJDC leader Ira Forman wrote, NJDC Reacts to the Swift Boating of MoveOn By the RJC. Forman wrote the following while accusing the Republican Jewish Coalition and, by implication ourselves (since we supplied the RJC with information about of lying.
Jewish voters should take comfort in knowing that is not a haven for anti-Semitism and the organization will renounce and remove any postings of the sort.
Leave it to Republicans to not allow the truth to get in the way of campaigning.
Ira Forman
Executive Director
National Jewish Democratic Council
As shown on the page, Jan Poller and ourselves provided the NJDC with proof that knew of the anti-Semitic and other hate speech that permeated its Action Forum, and chose to let the hate speech stand while deleting pro-Israel commentary as well as criticism of We also sent an E-mail with this information to the Jewish Funds for Justice and National Jewish Democratic Council on October 28 (To: njdc “at”, nynjdc “at”, info “at”
See the rest of the post here
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