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Thursday, November 9, 2006

Suffering From 5 Towns Vaad Update Withdrawal ?

Here's a fix for those who wonder what has been going on in the Chicken War.

I spoke to a 5 towns resident on Tuesday. He told me that the whole situation is still big talk over Shabbos Kiddush. Aparently people feel that what they have been hearing from the Vaad is only part of the story. They think that the escalation to the point of pulling the Hecksher has more to do with the fact that the story "got out" than any matter of Kasrut or Halacha.

Like me, many of you have been reading things across the internet, people saying that they will shop at Gourmet Glatt any way etc. Another contact from up north told me that he visited the store last Friday, when it should have been busy with Shabbos Shoppers. He told me that the place was empty. The reality is that the 5 Towns shoppers are heeding their Rabbi's boycott suggestion.

The 5towns Jewish Times Ran another story, this time withouth the backroom Loshen Hora of last weeks edition.
In the article, Larry Gordon reports:
  • This battle may have been brewing for six years.
  • Quiet diplomacy may be under way to help bring an end to the situation involving Gourmet Glatt’s taking in a new partner who has experience in the kosher meat industry, and whom the Vaad feels they can work with so that they can comfortably return the hashgachah to the store
  • It seems that Orthodox Jewish communities around the country [like in Tenn. (Yid)] are watching situation closely as a precedent-setting guide for similar situations that could emerge in their communities.
  • As for K-1, the new certifying agency for Gourmet Glatt, Rabbi Kravitz called the Five Towns Jewish Times last week to say he also felt that he was not being dealt with fairly and wanted to clear up several points about how he came to provide certification for Gourmet Glatt. As reported in last week’s paper, a Vaad HaKashrus member accused Rabbi Kravitz of attempting to undermine the local Vaad by moving in on Vaad territory during a crisis. Rabbi Kravitz said that in his original meetings with the Gourmet Glatt owners, also present at the meeting were two rabbis from the community who encouraged him to supervise the kashrus at Gourmet Glatt and that, had they not encouraged him to do so, he never would have taken the job.

And who knows maybe when it is all done, the Vaad will finally tell people what is going on.
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1 comment:

Fern @ Life on the Balcony said...

You know, I wasn't born in an observant family (I'm not FFB or whatever the internet parlance is), so I'm still trying to play catch up on a lot of things. This whole Five Towns kosher think has really confused me about lashon hara and what the general Jewish community expects when it comes to saying something bad about someone else. How can Rabbis and prominent Jewish newspapers be taking part in something that seems to be lashon hara? In all my "catch up" learning, I got the impression that lashon hara is a big deal, but it seems like all these prominent/learned people are acting like it means nothing.