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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Jimmy Carter Writes a Passive Aggresive letter

The Peanut President Jimmy Carter tried to make "nicey-nice" with the American Jewish community on Friday, he sat down and wrote us a passive aggressive letter to explain his use of the word 'apartheid'. Trying to distance himself from last week's anti-semitic comments talking about the "Jewish influence on foreign policy" Carter decided to move blame to American Christians.

In his "letter to Jewish citizens of America," released Friday by The Carter Center, the man who helped Iran become what it is today, a repressive regime bent on funding terrorism, blamed American Christians, not Jews, for an "overwhelming bias for Israel" in American media.

Overwhelming bias for Israel ? Holy Cow !! Has he watched TV in the last 10 years ? Did someone cancel is NY times subscription? Maybe Carter's TV is broken? Bias for... unbelievable ! It is American Media, that started calling terrorist militants, or drew moral equivalences between Palestinian terrorist attacks on civilians, and Israel reprisals on the terrorists. American media made the terrorist Arafat a hero and mourned his passing two years ago. You can get thousands of examples of media bias against Israel at, yet Billy Carter's idiot brother wrote in his letter:

"I have never claimed that American Jews control the news media, but reiterated that the overwhelming bias for Israel comes from among Christians like me who have been taught since childhood to honor and protect God's chosen people from among whom came our own savior, Jesus Christ."

Then, as if turning back on his Anti-Semitic switch, Carter then made reference to the old "Jewish Control of foreign policy myth. His letter said the American Israel Public Affairs Committee has a "powerful influence" in American politics to the extent that, "There are no significant countervailing voices." Well Jimbo, isn't that a little passive aggressive---backing off from using one one Anti-Semitic stereotype and pushing on with another.

About a month ago David Forman wrote an editorial piece in the JPost called Jimmy Carter go back to your peanut farm, which he said in part:

I KNOW that this is politically incorrect, especially coming from a civil rights advocate, but we are talking about craziness. Whoever heard of going into a home and shooting at point-blank range a three year old and a five year old in the head? But, let's not confine ourselves to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

How does the American occupation of Iraq justify Sunnis drilling holes into the hearts of Shi'ites, chopping off their heads, stuffing their genitals into their mouths, raping and torturing by the thousands - and vice versa?

Sudan, Bosnia, Chad, Somalia, Afghanistan - need I go on? Let's return to the Middle East - the late King Hussein of Jordan slaughtered 3,000-5,000 Palestinians in Black September of 1970; the late Hafez Assad of Syria massacred 10,000-25,000 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1982.In Gaza today, right now, are not Palestinians killing Palestinians?

And Carter dares to accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing by constructing a barrier - in some places a wall - to protect its citizens from such madness! Despite Carter's perfunctory statements about Arab intransigence and terrorist tactics, for him the blame for the present conflict between Israelis and the Palestinians lies almost exclusively with Israel.

The barrier is a necessary evil, which unfairly impinges on some of the elemental rights of the Palestinians. But that is a far cry from endorsing apartheid. Indeed, by using such a loaded term, enforced by that indelible image on his book's cover, Carter is purposefully providing a great measure of both respectability for and acceptability of the Muslim world's drive to wipe the Jewish state off the face of the globe.

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