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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Most Americans Think Jim Baker's views are Full of Crap: New Israel Project Poll

The Israel Project just released a study that shows that Most American's think that the Palestinian-Israel conflict has nothing do do with Iraq (Sorry Mr. Baker). This random survey of 800 registered voters asked voters about key issues relating to Israel, and the results would put a smile on the face of any Israel supporter:
  • Majority of Americans (60%) want end to Palestinian terrorism and recognition of Israel before a new Palestinian state is formed.
  • 73 percent of Americans support the international community placing and enforcing economic and diplomatic sanctions against Iran.
  • 71% of Americans believe that the cause of strife in the Mid East is the conflict between moderates and extremists that runs across a number of countries
The article below has links to the full survey:

New Poll Shows Americans Support Sanctions Against Iran Even if that Increases Gas Prices by 20 Percent

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A new poll of 800 American registered voters, (Word document, Powerpoint) commissioned by The Israel Project (TIP) shows that Americans overwhelmingly support taking action against the Islamic Republic of Iran if it continues to bar International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors from its nuclear facilities.

The poll asked respondents about a series of potential actions the international community could take in response to the following statement: "As you may know, Iran continues to NOT comply with UN Security Council resolutions that demand Iran suspend its nuclear enrichment program and allow in UN inspectors. Now, assuming Iran continues its nuclear enrichment program despite the UN Security Council resolutions, please tell me whether you support or oppose the following actions."

In response, seven out of 10 Americans supported "the international community placing economic and diplomatic sanctions against Iran, even if it increases the cost of fuel in the United States by 20 percent" if Iran continues to defy the international community.

Additionally, an overwhelming 83 percent of Americans support "the international community placing and enforcing economic and diplomatic sanctions against Iran."

An even larger share of Americans - 86 percent - support a "ban on all international weapons sales to Iran" in response to the same statement. A vast majority of Americans - 88 percent - support "Expanding intelligence-gathering efforts within Iran so that the United States' decision-making process is better informed as to Iran's capability and its intentions." There are similarly high levels of support - 87 percent - for "Stepping up the surveillance of shipments to Iran to monitor and prevent suspected weapons of mass destruction related material from reaching Iran."

The support for sanctions and a weapons embargo against Iran accompanies American concern about Iran's nuclear program and its intentions. When asked, "How worried are you that Iran might develop nuclear weapons?" 72 percent of Americans said they were worried about such a threat, showing that a majority of Americans now clearly understand that Iran's nuclear research program is intended to develop weapons, not energy. When asked, "Do you think that Iran's resumption of research on nuclear fuel is to develop nuclear energy or nuclear weapons?" just 13 percent said they believe that the program is for energy, while 68 percent answered nuclear weapons.

Additionally, when asked, "How involved should the United States be in dealing with Iran?" 72 percent of Americans answered "very or somewhat involved."

"Americans clearly don't believe that Iran is acting on good faith and they support placing tough sanctions on Iran, even acknowledging that we could pay the price for those sanctions at the gas pumps. Those attitudes demonstrate significant American resolve to deal with the Iran issue," said Neil Newhouse, partner and co-founder of Public Opinion Strategies, the firm that conducted the poll.

Said Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, founder and president of The Israel Project,"Americans are worried and have a reason to be. An Iranian group has recruited more than 25,000 people to be suicide bombers against the US and Europe. The president of Iran says that Israel should be wiped off the map and denies the Holocaust. Again today, Iran refused to allow international inspections of their nuclear program - a nuclear program that they have promised to share with others. The American people clearly understand the threats of Iran and want both sanctions and a weapons ban on Iran now."

This concern over extremism stretches to other areas of the Middle East as well. A total of 71 percent of Americans believe that, "The bigger cause of violence in the Middle East is the conflict between moderates and extremists, across a number of countries and groups" compared to only 18 percent who believe that, "The bigger cause of violence in the Middle East is the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians."

Additionally, by a 60 to 28 ratio Americans believe that "challenges in Iraq will not be solved by solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

American support for Israel remains strong at 50 percent, while support for the Palestinians is at seven percent. Although there is public support for a two-state solution, rather than create a Palestinian state now 60 percent of Americans believe "There should not be a Palestinian state until Palestinian leaders end terror and recognize Israel's right to exist." Only 25 percent agreed "it is important to create a Palestinian state now."

The poll of 800 registered voters was conducted by telephone Jan. 18 and 20-21 for The Israel Project by Public Opinion Strategies in conjunction with Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. The margin of error is +/- 3.5 percent.

The Israel Project is an international non-profit organization devoted to educating the press and the public about Israel while promoting security, freedom and peace. The Israel Project provides journalists, leaders and opinion-makers accurate information about Israel. The Israel Project is not related to any government or government agency.

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