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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Olmert is either a terrorist or a lousy leader

Instead of taking any responsibility for his own actions, today the Spineless Prime Minister "Elmer Fudd" Olmert, blamed all of his troubles on Benjamin Netanyahu. In my experience there are two types of people who find away to blame other people for their faults...lousy managers, or Islamic terrorists (Its all Israel's fault).

He blames Benjamin Netanyahu for emboldening Hamas. Which I must say ranks near the top idiotic things he has ever said. If my memory serves me correctly, Bibi has been out of office for nearly eight years, there have been two Prime Ministers and one Olmert in office since then.

Bibi was no Ben Gurion, but come on! Ever since he stepped into office Olmert has been a disaster to the point that you sometimes wonder what side he is on. NOTHING has emboldened the terrorists more than they way the war in Lebanon has been waged. Nothing has given terrorists more comfort than allowing them to fire rockets into the Negev and responding with rewarding concessions. And now after they announced that a new government would not meet the conditions you set out for negotiations you are rewarding them with a meeting. FIX YOUR OWN DAMN HOUSE BEFORE YOU SLAM OTHERS!!!

Netanyahu revived Hamas, Olmert says YNET NEWS

Premier accuses opposition leader of emboldening Palestinian Islamic group during his time as prime minister; 'Olmert's weakness is deteriorating Israel's security situation,' Netanyahu responds

Amnon Meranda
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accused Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of having played a role in the founding of Hamas and emboldening the Islamic group during his time as prime minister.

"Netanyahu is the man who set up Hamas and revived it by releasing Sheikh Yassin (Hamas' founder) and giving Hamas the option to grow because of stupidities he committed as prime minister," Olmert told the committee.

In response, Netanyahu said, "This government is a failure. The only thing it should do is go home. Olmert has apparently learned nothing and is trying to cover up his failures with false accusations, but we all know he allowed Hamas to hold elections in east Jerusalem and is now permitting the group to receive monetary aid, meaning he is allowing them to obtain weapons.

“The prime minister’s weakness is deteriorating Israel’s security situation and is damaging the wall of isolation that was built around Hamas,” Netanyahu said during a Likud faction meeting.

The opposition leader slammed the government for not taking a stance on the Mecca agreement (between Fatah and Hamas), saying “we know Hamas has no intention of fighting terror, and evidence of this could be seen today with the falling of Qassams in Israeli territory.”

Earlier an exchange between the two leaders broke out during a Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee meeting when Olmert was asked during a about recent peace overtures towards Israel by Syrian President Bashar Assad . Netanyahu was of the opinion that Israel should shun Assad, whom he accused of waging war on Israel through proxy terror groups.

'No political horizon'
Olmert claimed that during the Likud head's tenure as prime minister in the mid-nineties Israel held talks with Syria .

Netanyahu rebuffed the claim, saying, “How many times can Olmert repeat this lie? He knows full well that it was my insistence that we keep the Golan Heights led to the collapse of the negotiations with Syria.”

Olmert charged that between 1993 and 2003 successive Israeli governments had held talks with Syria bearing in mind that a final peace deal with Damascus would involve returning at least parts of the Golan Heights.

Olmert told committee members that Israel would be willing to engage in peace talks with Syria once Damascus has ceased to back terror groups like Hizbullah and Hamas.

"Some people are always eager to prove that there is no political horizon with any side in the region," Olmert said, referring to Netanyahu.

Olmert added that he would be meeting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on the heels of a summit in Jerusalem with the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I never much cared for Bibi, in comparison with the scourge currently at the head of Israel's government Netanyahiu is a world class statesman. This is a sad commentary on all of Israel's current generation of politicians.

Having said that, however, there is little doubt that if Olmert cared in the least for what is best for Israel rather than being the shameless, pompous, buffoon he is, he would immediately resign and crawl into a cave somewhere in Lower Slobbovia!