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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Show Your Love to Pamela Greenbaum--Email Her

May I offer another suggestion? Maybe if we show Ms Greenbaum some love she will drop the silly lawsuit. What I am suggesting is a quick email telling her that we don't believe what that "idiotic commenter" wrote on Orthomom's site. Tell her that as someone who has fought for freedom of speech on the school board level, we think that she should be just as supportive of that freedom on the Internet. Hell, Orthomom can't even take down the offending comment because it could be construed as tampering with evidence.

Based on an email from the Superentent of the Lawerence School District that has been shared with me (the email did NOT contain any confidential information), I have recieve Ms Greenbaum's personal email I suggest you use that one .



Just politely give her your thoughts...and when you are done...send the email to other people who might be just as concerned.

This is the letter I sent:


Dear Ms Greenbaum
I know you have had your feelings hurt by those horrible accusations made by that anonymous commenter. None of Orhomom's readers believe that idiot.

I have seen some ot the passionate speeches that you have made at school board meetings regarding freedom of speech. Yet you have filed a lawsuit that is trying to stifle that freedom.

Having been a volunteer in many organizations, I know that public work comes with headaches--"no good deed goes unpunished." I am sure that your work on the board has been heartfelt, that your decisions are based on what you think is best for the School District. Do you want to be remembered for your contribution to education---or do you want to be remembered for this lawsuit?

Isn't it time to stop the madness?

Warm Regards,


Let me repeat one important point.

If You Send Pamela a Nasty Email It

will hurt Orthomom not Help her.

Keep it Polite. Send her only one

email and have others do the same.

No Nasty Letters. No Spamming

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