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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

An Ugly Republican

I ran across this post while reading Solomania. Reb Martin found a memo sent out by Georgia State Representative (or at least on his letterhead) Ben Bridges a Republican says that Evolution is a Jewish plot (I wonder if we thought of it while we were giving a second coat of paint to that Jewish Lobby.

The letter did not even become public until it was circulated around the Texas state legislature. State Rep. Ben Bridges of Cleveland, Ga., a Republican and a former driver for retired Sen. Zell Miller [nothing worse than a bigoted shofar] , told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he gave Hall permission to send Chisum [the Texas Rep who got nailed for circulating it] the letter and that he agrees with the "Fixed Earth" argument "more than I would the Big Bang theory or the Darwin theory." Some bigots just make it too easy.

Sometimes we Jews like to think that everything good or smart was created by another Jew, but in this case Mr. Bridges its not true...Charles Darwin was not Jewish, and thankfully neither are you. Because if you were you might have faith enough in your maker to believe that the Big Bang sounds an awfully like "let there be light," or since G-d created days before he created the sun and the moon, the first few could have been millions of years long. I believe that G-d is omnipotent enough to control nature, unfortunately you don't.

Reb Martin of Solomon's post follows. Oh and a note to Pamela Greenbaum. When I created the title An Ugly Republican, I was not talking about you. I know neither your party affiliation nor what you look like. But if you send me a Picture I will post it.

Evolution: A Long Hidden Pharaseeic Kabbalistic Religious Teaching

...according to a memo sent out under the name (but not written by, though he doesn't necessarily disagree with it) of Georgia State House Rep. Ben Bridges (R -- ugg):

Meet our new friend, Georgia State House Rep. Ben Bridges (R), chairman of the retirement committee in the state house.

Bridges is now in a bit of trouble for spilling the beans about evolution being the product of a Pharisee Jew conspiracy to bamboozle normal Americans and destroy Christianity.

“Indisputable evidence — long hidden but now available to everyone — demonstrates conclusively that so-called ‘secular evolution science’ is the Big-Bang 15-billion-year alternate ‘creation scenario’ of the Pharisee Religion,” reads the letter that went out under Bridges' name. “This scenario is derived concept-for-concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic ‘holy book’ Kabbala dating back at least two millennia.”

It seems that the actual author or analyst, I guess you might say, was a fellow named Marshall Hall, the husband of Bridges campaign manager, Bonnie Hall. Then they sent it out over Bridges' signature to state legislators in Texas, California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Ohio. And they didn't stop by letting the cat out of the bag on evolution. They also blew the whistle on all this hokum about the earth revolving around the Sun...

Oh yes, they really did...the earth/sun thing, that is. Worse, the thing got picked up and passed another legislator.

Is it anti-Semitism, or just a case of "I see dumb people?" I try to be respectful of views I disagree with these days, I really do...but what are the limits?

1 comment:

Watcher said...

So, first, there were the Jews. Then, there were apes, and the Jews made them evolve.

Makes sense to me.