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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Israeli People: The Government Let Us down

State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss, about his upcoming report of the protection of the home front during this past summers war. The stories of who leaked what, and who answered what questions--- overshadows the key part of the story
State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss said yesterday the criticism in his report on the management of the home front during last summer's Lebanon war will be "very sharp and liable to anger many." Ha'aretz
In other words, when Micha releases his report it aint going to be pretty. It will probably say what we already know, that the war was mis-managed and the home front was not protected. In the midst of this heated battle comes a poll that says most Israelis feel that the government let them down. They feel that the government should have done more and relied too heavily on private charities.

87 percent believe government must care for home front
Average Israeli more dependable than government during war, survey reveals Yael Branovsky

While politicians waste time blaming others for the failures of the home front in the war in Lebanon , it becomes clear that the actual burden of attending to the citizens of the north fell on the average Israeli.

A survey conducted by the Israeli Center for Third-Sector Research at Ben Gurion University found that 43 percent of Israeli households had made some contribution during the war.

Among the people questioned, 25 percent had hosted families from the north, and 5 percent had taken in people they did not know.

Low-income families contributed more

Eighty-seven percent thought that the government should have taken responsibility for the people from the north upon itself, and not leave it to social organizations and NGOs.

Professor Benny Gidron, who conducted the research, explained to Ynet: "Israelis donate and contribute more than most and not only when Israel is in a crisis. When something bad does unfortunately happen, the Israeli public gets together and offers as much assistance as they can.

1 comment:

Michael said...

The government let us down

There's an obvious statement.
When are the elections coming?!