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Thursday, March 22, 2007

"Jewish Lobby" Professors to Write Modern Day "Protocols"

It was just about a year ago that Stephen M. Walt professor of international affairs and co-author John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago (See Maybe Its time To Fess Up) wrote the their little paper that accused the Jewish Lobby causing every overseas problem in the last hundred years except maybe the sinking of the Titanic. If you remember the story these guys published this paper as if it was approved by Harvard, but apparently the used the "stationary" without authorization.

Now the "lobby boys" are writing an entire book about those evil Jews. It is bound to be a Modern Day Protocols of the Elders of Zion, only instead of the Jews using blood for Matzo, now we are controlling foreign policy and causing bloodshed.

Of course the report in the Harvard Crimson is as biased as the subject reported.

Published On 3/21/2007 3:23:57 AM
Two leading political scientists are writing a book extending their controversial argument that the domestic pro-Israel lobby bends U.S. foreign policy disproportionately in favor of Israel, one of the authors, Stephen M. Walt of the Kennedy School of Government, confirmed yesterday.

Walt, the Belfer professor of international affairs, and co-author John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago set off a storm of controversypublished a paper arguing that the pro-Israel lobby, led by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has distorted foreign policy through its influence on academia, the media, and think tanks. Their essay also argued that the lobby was a “critical element” in the decision to invade Iraq in 2003.

The forthcoming book will be published by New York-based Farrar, Straus and Giroux and is due out in September, according to Walt, who declined to answer other questions about the book. Mearsheimer did not respond to phone calls to his office in Chicago.

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