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Friday, March 23, 2007

Syria Gives Us the Scoop on Terror.

See what happens... just one meeting with American diplomats in Iraq and it brings Syria to its senses. They are being much more forthcoming with information about terrorism. In one short TV interview Syrian Minister of Culture Riyadh Na'san Agha gave us the people behind the London Bombings two years ago as well as the terror attacks in Luxor, Tunisia, and Jordan. You might think it was al-Qaeda, but that group doesn't really exist. You see it was the Mossad behind the terror attacks and al-Qaeda is really a front for the CIA. I wonder does Rosie O'Donnell know about this yet?

US, Israel behind London bombings'

Syrian minister says 'agents of America and Zionists' carried out July 2005 London bomb attacks
Yaakov Lappin

Syrian Minister of Culture Riyadh Na'san Agha said the US and Israel were to blame for the July 2005 multiple bomb attacks on London during a TV broadcast last month.

"Take, for example, the London bombings, of which Muslims have been accused," Agha said during a program broadcast on Iranian TV station al-Kawthar.

"Who are they? Has anyone announced their names? Has anyone said who they were? They were forgotten, just like in all the bombings that took place in Europe. The truth is that the people who do this are the agents of the US, with its new anti-Islamic policy, and the agents of Zionism and the Mossad. Unfortunately, our media in some Islamic countries follows the Zionist media machine and repeats what it is says."

The Syrian minister also claimed al-Qaeda was a fictional entity. "The so-called al-Qaeda is in my opinion, an illusion. It is a bunch of organizations which used to be supervised by the CIA, and used to commit crimes in some Arab and Islamic countries," Agha said.

"They committed crimes in Luxor, Tunisia, and Jordan. Who knows who committed these crimes? Who can vouch that the prisoners in Guantanamo are really the so-called terrorists? We don't know, because none of these crimes were investigated," he added.

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