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Friday, May 18, 2007

Religion of "Peace" Forbids Christianity

For those of you that think that the War Against Islamic Terror is a Bush creation or an Israel/Jewish problem, let me present to you this. In a Pakistani town beset by pro-Taliban terrorists, Christians are being told that they have to convert to Islam or face attack.
Taliban Tells Pakistani Christians: Convert or Die
Thursday , May 17, 2007
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan —
Christians in a Pakistani town beset by pro-Taliban militants sought government protection Wednesday, the eve of a deadline for them to convert to Islam or face violence.

About 500 Pakistani Christians in Charsadda, a town in the North West Frontier Province bordering Afghanistan, received letters earlier this month telling them to close their churches and convert by Thursday or be the target of "bomb explosions."

Several Christians, a tiny minority in the predominantly Muslim country, have fled town and others are living in fear, community leaders said.Some complained that police were not taking the threat seriously.

"Police say someone is joking with us by writing these letters," Chaudhry Salim, a Charsadda Christian leader, said during a news conference in Islamabad. "They have deployed only two policemen at our churches ... this is the kind of security we are getting now."

Shahbaz Bhatti, a prominent Christian leader and head of the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, said the provincial government, which is controlled by a coalition of pro-Taliban religious parties, would bear blame for attacks after the deadline.

Bhatti also urged Muslim religious scholars to condemn the threats and said the federal government should take "concrete steps to provide protection" to Christians. Asif Daudzai, a spokesman for the provincial government, asked Christians not to panic, saying authorities were doing all they could to ensure their protection.

"Christians are our brothers and sisters, and we will not allow any one to harm them," he told The Associated Press. Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and other religious minorities make up about 3 percent of Pakistan's 160 million residents.

Most live peacefully alongside the Muslim majority, although the groups have been targeted repeatedly in attacks blamed on extremists since the country allied itself with the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Islamic radicals trying to impose Taliban-style social edicts in northwestern Pakistan are growing bolder, bombing shops selling Western films, threatening barbers for trimming beards and warning hotels to remove televisions from guest rooms. Minorities and secular opposition parties say the government is doing too little to counter the "Talibanization" of growing swaths of the country.
Don't dare think that its just the Taliban crazies, in the "moderate" state of Saudi Arabia the presence of churches, and open possession of Christian religious materials are outlawed .Anyone breaking this law may be imprisoned or deported to their port of origin. The "moderate" Saudis won't even let a foreigner bring in a bible or put up a Christmas tree. The ultimate goal of these Islamic fascists that we fight in Iraq and elsewhere is world domination. To control what everyone thinks, does and prays. This my friends it the religion of peace.

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Islam is not the "Religion of Peace," it is the Religion of Submission. The sooner we Westerners understand that the less submission will be demanded!