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Monday, June 11, 2007

What is next for Norman Finkelstein ?

Sometimes the Jewish People are so forgiving. While other people might take the opportunity of "pile on" someone like Stormin Norman Finkelstein, we offer him help. This mean-spirited man who has used the bully pulpit of the College Classroom to take the Shoah and drag it through the mud was denied tenure for the third time this past weekend. For a college Professor, getting kicked out of three different Universities does not look too good on your resume.

Finkelstein is going around telling people he was denied tenure for being anti-Israel, nothing can be further from the truth. In his letter to Finkelstein, DePaul's president, the Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, cited a summary statement by the university's board on promotion of tenure that "expressed several concerns touching on his scholarship, specifically what they consider the intellectual character of his work and his persona as a public intellectual." In English, they are saying that he was a little "loosey-goosey" with the facts.

Just to show how forgiving the Jewish people are, on Professor Steven Plaut Arutz Sheva blog, he has prepared a list of possible jobs for the self hating Jew to help him get through these coming "tough" times.

Some Career Advice for Norman Finkelstein

by Steven Plaut

Norman Finkelstein is arguably the most openly anti-Semitic "Jew" on the planet, and the competition for that title is tough.

He has made a career out of defaming Holocaust Survivors, painting them as thieves and liars, mocking the Holocaust and its victims, and cheering anti-Jewish terrorism and violence. He spent last summer cheering the Hezbollah attacks on Israel. He has defamed Elie Wiesel for years. He trivializes the Holocaust and denies that Six Million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany (although does not claim that no Jews at all were killed). He works closely with Neo-Nazi groups and Holocaust Deniers, and is widely proclaimed to be the "Jewish David Irving". Finkelstein claims Germany is the victim of Jewish extortion. He has publicly praised David Irving (who claims no Jews were killed at Auschwitz) as a great historian. He is considered to be a Holocaust Denier by the Anti-Defamation League and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. He has been strongly denounced by Prof. Alan Dershowitz as an anti-Semite and fraud. In Israel, Finkelstein has been widely praised by anti-Israel Ben Gurion University extremist lecturer Neve Gordon.

Finkelstein had been employed in the past few years by DePaul University, a large Catholic college in Chicago. Before that he had been fired from every academic post he ever held. His entire "academic record" consists of anti-Semitic "books".

This past weekend, DePaul University officially gave Finkelstein the boot, denying him tenure, and in effect firing him (effective some time this coming academic year). It is doubtful he will ever be able to hold any sort of academic post again in the civilized world.

That being the case, the question arises of what Normie will now be doing for a second career. Being helpful sorts, we have given the matter some thought and have come up with a list of possible career moves for him, once DePaul requires that he remove his carcass off campus in a few weeks:

1. He can be the new Dean of History at the University of Teheran.

2. He can grew side curls and join the Neturei Karta.

3. He can open a fast food stand that serves fish and chips to the British Association of University Professors and the University and College Union.

4. He can be Avrum Burg's butler in France.

5. He can become official Baathist mascot at soccer games in Damascus.

6. He can write a Master's thesis under Ilan Pappe about how the Jews murdered all the Arabs in Atlantis.

7. He can get a job tearing squares of toilet paper on Friday afternoons for Chicago area synagogues, before the sabbath.

8. He can become a make-pretend cowboy and then chase make-pretend Indian Ward Churchill.

9. He can paint circles on his rear end and then pose next to the security fence around the Gaza Strip.

10. He can learn ebonics, change his name to Norman X, and go to work for Louis Farrakhan.

11. He can be adopted legally as the son of Ernst Zundel, Neo-Nazi deported from Canada to Germany.

12. He can be David Irving's prison honey.

13. He can join Gush Shalom.

14. He can serve as designated driver for when Mel Gibson gets drunk.

15. He can be the chief pimp for the "Women in Black".

16. He can test explosives belts for the Hamas.

17. He can write some more anti-Semitic garbage with Alexander Cockburn.

18. He can work as a shabbas goy at the Ramat Hovav garbage dump.

19. He can serve as pothole filler.

20. He can get tenured at Ben Gurion University.

And some that Professor Plaut has forgotten:

- he can get a Job as a researcher for the EU
- work for the UN Commission on Human Rights
- act as Ghost writer for Jim Baker's autobiography
- become Al Sharpton's Fact Checker
- work as a script writer for MSNBC's Political Reporter--Pat Buchanan


Unknown said...

No. 7 seems most the appropriate for Finkelstein's intellectual prowess.

Anonymous said...

Please name a fact that Professor Finkelstein puts forth that is demonstrably false. Extra points if you can respond to this comment without calling me an anti-semite.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't call you an anti semite because I dont know you...I might call you a coward for commenting anonymously bit that is a different matter you asked for some of his lies...Ok here are six from the Alan Deshowitz Memo that Finkelstein's dean ASKED Dershowitz to provide

Here, though, are a few of some of the lies that I am absolutely confident the Finkelstein told.*

1. Burt Neuborne Finkelstein actually tried to get Burt Neuborne, a professor of law at NYU and one of the country's top civil liberties and Supreme Court advocates, disbarred. The supposed grounds for disbarment were Neuborne's role in the Holocaust reparations cases against Swiss banks. He claims that Neuborne lied and blackmailed Swiss banks in the process of securing a $1.25 billion settlement for survivors. His evidence was the "fact" that the Volcker report, an investigation into European banks' theft from survivors, found that “no evidence of systematic destruction of account records for the purpose of concealing past behavior has been found.” Neuborne's answered this false charge in a letter-to-the-editor of The Nation, dated December 25, 2006: (New York City) Norman Finkelstein calls my work on the Swiss bank Holocaust case an exercise in blackmail. But the $1.25 billion Swiss bank settlement on behalf of Holocaust victims cannot possibly be characterized as blackmail unless that term is distorted to include any payment made by a defendant who is afraid to go to trial. Did the lawyers put pressure on the Swiss banks? You bet we did. We threatened them with justice. Finkelstein's principal claim is that I misstated the documentary record when I charged that Swiss banks systematically destroyed records of Holocaust deposits. Let's look at the document Finkelstein cites-the report of the Volcker committee, which conducted an intensive audit of the banks. The Volcker report finds that records for 2.8 million accounts opened during the Holocaust era had been completely destroyed by the Swiss banks (Volcker report, para. 20). The Volcker report calls the destruction of those records an "unfillable gap." Moreover, the Volcker report finds that almost all of the transaction records for the remaining 4.1 million accounts were also destroyed, leaving a record of an account's opening and closing, but no information about the account's size, or whether it had been plundered (Volcker report, para. 21). I call that a pretty good job of systematically destroying records, especially since, in the absence of records, the banks get to keep the money because Switzerland has no escheat law. It is true that under Swiss law, the banks were required to keep records for only ten ears. But, having accepted deposits from Holocaust victims, and knowing that most Jewish depositors had failed to survive the Nazis, how can anyone defend the Swiss banks' widespread destruction of the records needed to trace the true ownership of the Holocaust funds? Despite the immense hurdles created by the destruction of records, the Volcker report identified 46,000 Swiss bank accounts with a "probable or possible" connection with Holocaust victims. The names of 26,000 of the accounts are about to be published, and the federal court has set aside $800 million to pay the owners of those funds. Neve Gordon, in his review of Finkelstein's book, suggests that the sum is exaggerated, but his figures dovetail closely with mine. The $800 million for bank deposits includes an interest/inflation factor of 10 that the Volcker committee found was necessary to permit payment of current value. Everyone, including Raul Hilberg, agrees that Jewish deposits into Swiss banks on the eve of the Holocaust were at least $80 million. Surely, the Swiss banks should not have the use of that money for sixty years without paying interest to the accounts' true owners. $800 million is, therefore, a very conservative estimate of what the banks really owe. Finally, in a characteristically venomous charge, Finkelstein accuses me of "making a mockery of Jewish suffering during World War II," because I have estimated that 1 million victims of the Holocaust are still alive. In order to reach such a figure, Finkelstein argues that I must be diluting what it meant to suffer during the Holocaust. But, as usual, Finkelstein's obsession with criticizing anyone who acts on behalf of Holocaust survivors blinds him to the facts. My figure of 1 million victims was intended to include all surviving victims, not merely Jewish survivors. The German foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future estimates that more than 1 million former slave and forced laborers are still alive and qualify for compensation. The fact is that the Holocaust did not affect only Jews. The Swiss settlement includes Sinti-Roma, Jehovah's Witnesses, the disabled and gays. The German foundation will distribute most of the slave/forced labor funds to non-Jews. About 130,000 Jewish survivors and about 900,000 non-Jewish victims are still alive. Norman Finkelstein accuses me of being a "main party" to seeking compensation for them. Thank you, Norman. I could not be prouder.

Burt Neuborne (Enclosed please find Omer Bartov's New York Times review of The Holocaust Industry.)

2. Israeli Torture Finkelstein repeatedly claims that Israel, despite outlawing any sort of coercive interrogation in 1999, systematically tortures and kills in cold blood Palestinian detainees. His favorite -- and indeed, often his sole -- evidence is an Israeli Supreme Court decision. Here is what he said in Chicago on March 18, 2004: “There was a famous case in 1995 of a Palestinian who was shaken to death while in detention. And nobody disputed the facts the Israeli pathologist’s office, the forensic pathologists who were brought into the case, eventually it went to the Israeli High Court of Justice they all agreed. And I’m quoting now from the High Court of Justice Judgment : 'All agree that Harizad died from the shaking.” If you go to Dershowitz’s book, he discusses the case and says, quote, 'An independent inquiry found that he didn’t die from the shaking, but from a previous illness.' That was just made up.” (Emphasis added.) It was Finkelstein who made up the quotation. The Supreme Court actually said that “the suspect expired after being shaken.” The difference between “died from the shaking” and “expired after being shaken” is considerable, especially since the sentence that follows in the decision attributes the death to an extremely rare complication, and the sentence before summarizes the literature as having no examples of anyone dying from shaking. This is not a translation error. It is an example of a made-up quotation. Remember, Finkelstein said he was "quoting," not paraphrasing, yet the words he purports to quote simply do not exist. Finkelstein has never, to my knowledge, responded to this serious charge of fabricating a quotation from the Israeli Supreme Court. Finkelstein's pattern of making up quotations, a pattern identified first by Professor Novick, should alone disqualify him from any tenured academic position.

3. Jews Lie About Being Holocaust Survivors “I am not exaggerating when I say that 1 out of 3 Jews you stop in the street in New York will claim to be a survivor [of the Nazi Holocaust].” I would ordinarily include this in a list of Finkelstein's wild and hysterical hyperboles. But he uses this figure often, and, as you see, he prefaces it be specifically saying that it is not an exaggeration. Of course not even one in three Jews in New York is old enough to be a survivor. His statistic is not an exaggeration. It is an outright fabrication. Moreover, only a tiny percentage of those old enough claim to be survivors, and Finkelstein provides no proof that they are not being truthful. Imagine the reaction if he had said that one of three women falsely claim to be a survivor of rape.

4. Israel -- As A Matter of Policy -- Fetishizes Aryan-Looking People In a interview published on Alexander Cockburn’s Counterpunch, Finkelstein claimed that a number of non-Jewish Russians had been able to immigrate to Israel because “the Israeli establishment likes the blue eyed, blonde haired Aryan types as a racial group.” It goes without saying that this is absolutely untrue. It's characteristic, though, of Finkelstein's drop-of-a-hat willingness to associate Israel with the Nazi racist ideology ­bizarre as it is from someone whose parents were Holocaust survivors­ is simply not justifiable on any rational basis. And it gets even stranger. Finkelstein then tried to substantiate his claim about the Israeli government’s preference for “Aryans” by claiming that Leon Uris gave his blond-haired and blue-eyed protagonist in his book Exodus the name “Ari” because it was short for “Aryan.” Ari which means lion in Hebrew ­is about as classic as Hebrew names get, short for names that appear in the Bible many thousands of years before the word “Aryan” even found its way into the English language. Again, Finkelstein simply made it up.

5. Daniel Goldhagen Among the dozen or so Jewish writers whose careers Finkelstein has tried to destroy with the same accusations -- "fraud," "huxter," "shake-down artist," "plagiarist" -- he has only ever written a full book about one other: Daniel Goldhagen. Goldhagen did a masterful job of going point-by-point on Finkelstein's many lies and distortions. I'm attaching, below, a copy of Goldhagen's essay, "The New Discourse of Avoidance."

6. I Don't Write My Own Books Finkelstein asserts, and has said on many, many occasions, that my books are written for me by others. Here are some of the remarks Finkelstein has made about my supposed ghostwriters: “I don’t think he wrote the book [The Case for Israel]"; “I very much doubt he had read the book"; “There is no way he wrote the book”; “[Dershowitz] has come to the point where he’s had so many people write so many of his books. You know, he just churns them out… [I]t’s sort of like a Hallmark line for Nazis… [T]hey churn them out so fast that he has now reached a point where he doesn’t even read them."

He characterized our single on-air interaction like this:

“So I kept saying to him, "Mr. Dershowitz I don’t think you wrote the book." Now, if somebody really wrote the book you would expect a ferocious answer. Like the guy is going to go at you and want to throttle you. But he really didn’t answer that way, because Alan knew he didn’t write the book. And then I figure which I honestly believe don’t believe he read the book. People think that I’m speaking cavalierly occasionally I do, but mostly in private. In public I want to be responsible for my words. And I said to him at one point, "Look Mr. Dershowitz, if you have any sense of self respect you would just say, ‘I didn’t write the book and I had no time to read it. I’m sorry.’" But I’m serious. There is no way he wrote the book…” Here is the actual transcript of the conversation in which Finkelstein claims that I essentially acknowledge his absurd charge that I didn't write The Case for Israel by not vigorously answering it:
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: I read your book. Or the book you purport to have written.
ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Now you claim somebody else wrote it?
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: I hope so. For your sake I truly hope you did not write this book. ALAN DERSHOWITZ: I proudly wrote it.
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: I think the honorable thing for you to do would be to say I didn't write the book, I had no time to read it. I'm sorry.
ALAN DERSHOWITZ: I wrote every word of it.

He repeated the above false remarks even after I sent his publisher my handwritten manuscript. I write all of my books *by hand* and have the manuscripts. I stand ready to send them to you for your perusal. Finkelstein knows full well that I write my books by hand and that I wrote The Case for Israel. Yet he continues to state the opposite because it draws reactions from his skewed college audiences.

It should also be noted that I did not have a preexisting feud with Finkelstein prior to his claims that I don't write my books. I'd quoted him a few times in The Case for Israel, but had never met him and certainly had no prior interaction with him.

After claiming that I didn't write The Case for Israel, Finkelstein hedged his accusation by saying that if I *did* write the book, I plagiarized it. Of course I was completely cleared of that charge by an independent Harvard University investigation. I am not answering that charge here, because much of it turns on the definition of plagiarism: whether it is proper to find a quotation in one source, check it against the original source, and cite to the original, rather than the secondary, source. The Chicago Manual of Style says that that is the preferred method of citation; Finkelstein calls that plagiarism. Indeed, many academics whom Finkelstein admires -- including Noam Chomsky -- use precisely this method of citation. Of course Finkelstein would never apply his forensic scholarship to question their citation methodology. As he himself admitted, his first foray into forensic scholarship occurred when he and Noam Chomsky agreed to "expose" Joan Peters for writing a book about whose substantive conclusions the two disagreed.

There are also issues of fact involved in Finkelstein's accusation. Some of the sources he claimed that I found in Joan Peters's book were quotations I had been using for decades before Peters even wrote her book, including a quotation by Mark Twain and the British Peel Commission. For a full response to Finkelstein's plagiarism accusation, you can read Chapter 16 of The Case for Peace, accessible here

6. I Support Ethnic Cleansing Finkelstein also likes to say that I support ethnic cleansing, or in the alternative, that I “If you open up [Dershowitz’s] book, Chutzpah, he says that, well as far as I’m concerned, he says, ethnic cleansings are, quote, a fifth-rate moral issue, and no different – he says, and they’re analogous I’m now quoting him ­they’re now, ethnic cleansings are analogous to massive urban renewal.” (Vancouver, May 15, 2004) (emphasis added).

This quotation is totally made up. I never said that ethnic cleansing is "analogous to massive urban renewal." He misquotes something I said about an entirely different matter: the movement of people as part of a post-conflict “political solution,” such as what occurred after World War II when “approximately fifteen million ethnic Germans” were moved from Czechoslovakia and other Eastern European nations to Germany as part of an international effort to produce increased stability. This is not ethnic cleansing, but, as I wrote, it “may constitute a human
rights violation” as may the movement of Palestinians following the Arab attack on Israel in 1947-48. (See Chutzpah, p. 215.)

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