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Monday, September 24, 2007

EU Considers Funding of Polish Preist's Jewish Hate Radio

Father Tadeusz Rydzyk's radio station is recognized as single handedly raising the levels of anti-Semitism in Poland:

According to the Stephen Roth Center for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism, the main disseminator of antisemitic propaganda in Poland is the Catholic-nationalist Radio Maryja), founded and run by Father Tadeusz Rydzyk, which frequently features antisemitic broadcasts. About 4 percent of Polish society are regular listeners.
...anti-Semitism remains an active phenomenon in Polish society. Research conducted by Warsaw University sociologists revealed that the proportion of Poles who subscribe to “strong” anti-Semitic views doubled in the period 1992-2002 from 8 percent to 16 percent. According to Professor Ireneusz Krzeminski, the rise in anti-Semitic attitudes can be attributed to the increased presence of anti-Semitic discourse in the public sphere, not least through Radio Maryja......

How does Poland react to such a racist? They ask the EU to provide it with more funding. And how does the EU react? They are actually considering granting the funding request.

Holocaust groups urge EU not to fund anti-Semitic station

Etgar Lefkovits , THE JERUSALEM POST Sep. 23, 2007

The head of the Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel is urging the European Union not to pour tens of millions of dollars into a Polish ultra-nationalist Catholic radio station which is infamous for its anti-Semitic programming.

The 15.5 million Euros in EU funding would be allocated towards the expansion of a journalism school for the controversial Polish radio station Radio Maryja.

"The head of the radio station and the radio station itself is known throughout Europe as a symbol of the increasing wave of global anti-Semitism," head of the umbrella organization of Holocaust survivors in Israel Noah Flug,wrote in a letter to the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso.

"Any financial support for such sources will only strengthen anti-Semitism and the lack of tolerance," he wrote.

The prominent Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza reported last month that the school was on a list of 350 projects that Warsaw had recommended to receive EU funding.

A European Union spokesman in Tel Aviv had no immediate comment.

Last month, a European Commission spokeswoman said that no decision had been taken on the issue to date.

The move comes just weeks after Israel and American Jewish groups urged the Polish Government to act following the most recent anti-Semitic remarks by the powerful head of the radio station, Father Tadeusz Rydzyk.

Rydzyk reportedly accused the Jews of greed in a potential government compensation deal on confiscated property, and denounced Polish President Lech Kaczynski as a "fraudster who is in the pockets of the Jewish lobby."

The conservative Polish government, which is supported by the radio station, has not acted against the radio director to date.

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