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Saturday, September 22, 2007

UN's Arbour Should Clean Her OWN House First

Today U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour urged Israel to exercise restraint in its dealings with the Hamas-led Gaza Strip. Them's pretty strong words for a women who has a history of ignoring Human Rights violations throughout the world. Ms Arbour (shown here to the left) oversee the vast human rights bureaucracy of the United Nations a wonder opportunity to truly make a difference in the world. Instead of executing her responsibility, she has allowed her organization to waste all of its resources condemning one country Israel. She has ignored violations in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and others, she has done little to help the massacres going on in Darfur---but allowed her institution to become a political tool of the Islamofascists. SHAME ON YOU LOUISE ARBOUR. There wouldn't be a need for any action against Gaza if you and your motley crew spent its time trying to clean up Rights abuses in terrorist supporting countries--instead of promoting those abuses. Worry about cleaning up your own house before you criticize others !

UN's Arbour urges Israel to show restraint on Gaza
GENEVA - U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour on Friday urged Israel to exercise restraint in its dealings with the Hamas-led Gaza Strip.

In a statement voicing concern at Israel's decision on Wednesday to declare Gaza an "enemy entity", Arbour said that reducing fuel and power to the tiny territory would place an "unbearable burden" on its 1.5 million people.

The former United Nations war crimes prosecutor and Canadian Supreme Court judge also condemned the indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel by Palestinian militants in Gaza.

Arbour reminded Israel of its obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law not to use disproportionate means or resort to collective punishment.

Gaza had already paid a "heavy price" from daily violence, isolation and deprivation, she said.

On Thursday, Arab and Islamic countries speaking at the U.N. Human Rights Council condemned Israel's stance towards Gaza and accused Israeli forces of killing Palestinian civilians, detaining parliamentarians and destroying property.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Thursday she was optimistic that Palestinians and Israelis could agree to a joint document on the tough issues dividing them ahead of U.S.-led peace talks, expected to take place in mid-November.

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