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Sunday, October 14, 2007

AL GORE: Invented the Internet-Makes Peace/What a Guy !

I thought it was a peace price, but apparently the folks on the Nobel prize committee can't tell the difference between peace and environment. Al Gore didn't stop any wars, negotiate any treaties etc. Climate change is a threat our environment, not to "peace." The prize has gone to some sleazy recipients in the past,Yassir Arafat and Jimmy Carter for example but at least thy were recognized for supposed peace efforts. Nobel Peace prize though? PEACE ? ENERGY? He may have made a movie, but lets face it Gore personally uses as much energy as a small third world nation.....As Damian Thompson of the Telegraph asks. What has Al Gore done for world peace?

The former US Vice-President has already taken over from Michael Moore as the most sanctimonious lardbutt Yank on the planet. Can you imagine what he'll be like now that the Norwegian Nobel committee has given him the prize?..... More to the point, can you imagine how enormous his already massive carbon footprint will become once he starts jetting around the world bragging about his new title?
Just after Gore won an Oscar for his global warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth - in which he asked American households to cut their use of electricity - the Tennessee Centre for Policy Research took a look at Al's energy bills.

It reckoned that his 20-room, eight-bathroom mansion in Nashville sometimes uses twice the energy in one month that the average American household gets through in a year. The combined energy and gas bills for his estate came to nearly $30,000 in 2006. Ah, say his defenders, but he uses rainwater to flush his lavatories. Is there enough rainwater in the world, I wonder? [After all he is so Full of Crap]
And that is Gore's Key problem, he has chronic full of crap disease:
He never claimed to have invented the internet; he said he "took the initiative in creating the internet", which is about a quarter true - he was among the first congressmen to support the invention.
In 1999, he boasted about having uncovered the most famous toxic waste site in America ("I found a little place in upstate New York called Love Canal"). Yes, but Love Canal was already notorious by the time Gore "found" it.
"I certainly learnt a lot from 3,000 town hall meetings across …Tennessee over a 16-year period," he told National Public Radio. And so he would have, had he actually attended 187 town hall meetings a year, which is what it works out as: he might even have managed to hold his home state in 2000

But my favourite Gore memory lapse is his account of being sung to sleep with the lullaby Look for the Union Label, written in 1975. How sweet: being sung to sleep by your parents at the age of 27.
Based on his track record a more appropriate Prize would have been for fiction--or for Art, after all he is a BS Artist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the Norwegian Nobel Committee made a good choice as the matter or issue is important. Next year I suggest another nominated though and hope you'll support.