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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Europe is Gone--we need to save the US

This past Thursday I was eating a tuna sandwich at my desk when I started IMing my friend Pamela from Atlas Shrugs. "I'm going to Brussels" she said, 'for counter-Jihad". I imagined Pamela in a burka sneaking into a mosque to spy on some Islamofacists...but that wasn't what she was doing.

It was a convention of scholars, pundits and politicians from all of the the world. Their purpose was to figure out away to save the western world from Jihad. What I learned from reading her posts on her trip is that Europe may already be gone we need to save the US. Below is Pamela's introductory paragraphs I URGE you to go to her site and read the whole will open your eyes.

I came to Brussels before the barbaric curtain descends altogether and the last memory of man's greatness vanishes in another Dark Ages. The course of of mankind's progress is not a straight automatic line, but a tortuous struggle, with long detours or relapses into the stagnant of the irrational. (Ayn Rand)

Warriors, bloggers, scholars, politicians, from across the globe converged in Brussels at the EU to strategize against the onslaught of the Islamization of the West.

I came with my buds Andrew Bostom, author of The Legacy of Jihad and the forthcoming Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism and Robert Spencer, Director of Jihadwatch and author of several books on Islam. Sitting together made the relentless stream of bad news more tolerable as we scribbled little notes to each other and kicked each other under the table (on the off moments, of course :)

Some names must remain unreported here, their security too tenuous. But it was an extraordinary group! Much thanks to our gracious hosts Paul Belien of The Brussels Journal, Bart Debie, Filip De Winter, Philip Claeys, Dirk Crols and their colleagues and the blogosphere ambassadors, Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna, and many European bloggers, activists and experts who contributed ideas and contacts.

The middle of the road is like an unstable, radioactive element that can only last so long - and its time is running out. (paraphrasing Ayn Rand )

On October 18 and 19, over 70 organizations and individuals joined together in the European and Flemish Parliaments to create a European network of activists from 14 nations to resist the increasing Islamisation of their countries. Keynote speakers included Bat Ye’or, author of EurabiaDhimmitude and Robert Spencer, author of Religion of Peace, Why Christianity is and Islam Isn’t. Additional speakers included David Littman, Dr. Arieh Eldad, member of the Israeli Knesset, Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, Director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, Sam Solomon, Director of Fellowship of Faith for Muslims and author of the Charter of Muslim Understanding, Dr. Marc Cogen, Ghent University, Dr. Andrew Bostom, author of The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism, and Laurent Artur du Plessis, author of a forthcoming book on shariah finance. Many participants worldwide also attended the first day of presentations online through webex and

The most fascinating portion of the morning program was a series of country reports on the status of the Islamization and the creeping sharia in their respective countries.Paul Belien of Belgium, Stefan Herre of Germany, Nidra Poller of France, reports from the UK (the worst), Ted Ekeroth and Reinhard Fomi from Sweden, Lars Hedegaard from Denmark (extraordinary presentation), Jens Anfindsen from Norway, KGS from Finland, Johannes Janasen from Holland, Adriana Bolchini Gaigher of Italy (what passion!), Arnaud Dotezac from Switzerland, Traian Ungureanu of Romania (gave excellent advice how to bite back at the jihad), Austria

I URGE you to read the full Report here

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