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Friday, December 21, 2007

SLAP !!! Pres. Bush "Disses" Israel BIGTIME

When a foreign leader visits a country for the first time they are usually invited to address the legislature. And if the foreign leader turns them down it is considered an insult. So when US President Bush turned down the Knesset's invitation to speak when he comes to Israel in a few weeks it was considered a MAJOR act of disrespect. As reported by Aaron Klein in WND:

Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik, a ranking member of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Kadima party, put in a request to Bush's aides earlier this month for the president to address the Knesset, a longstanding tradition among visiting heads of state. Bush is due in Jerusalem as part of a follow-up to last month's U.S.-led Annapolis summit.

But the White House turned down Itzik, explaining Bush might be seen as biased toward Israel, since he could not similarly address the Palestinian parliament due to the inclusion of the Hamas terror organization, reported Israel's Channel 10 Television.
Listen, if he WANTED to address Knesset he could have found a way, he could have offered to have a meeting with the non-Hamas members of the PA parliament, the PA would have probably turned them down but that would have been THEIR choice. At least if he did that, he would have shown that he was strong on terror.

Political sources in Jerusalem, speaking to WND on condition of anonymity for fear of starting a diplomatic crisis, said Olmert's office was "surprised" by the decline. "It's a slap in the face," said an official. "Even (Egyptian President Anwar) Sadat, who once said he'd destroy Israel, addressed the Knesset when he visited Jerusalem."
Hell, even JIMMY FREEKING CARTER ADDRESSED THE KNESSET, and he HATES Israel. Bush is proving, as he has done so many times lately, that the purpose of this "Peace" process is to hang Israel out to dry.

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