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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Kassams are Causing the Gaza Heath Crisis

The WHO and the UN are complaining to Israel that the fuel reductions and Israel's control of the border crossings are making the health crisis in Gaza worse

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - United Nations officials called for swift action on Monday to end a fuel and electricity shortage, partly caused by Israeli sanctions, that has aggravated a health crisis in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) said fuel shortages in Gaza had made it harder for health services to function..... Ambrogio Manenti, the head of the WHO in the West Bank and Gaza, said the Israeli restrictions, a strike by Gaza fuel station owners and occasional delays in payments from the Palestinian Authority to Israeli fuel companies had led to severe energy shortages in Gaza hospitals....WHO officials and local activists said Israel had made it increasingly difficult for Gazans to get necessary treatment outside of the territory.

As usual, the WHO and the UN is ignoring the health crisis in the Negev that is causing the crisis in Gaza...the more than 2,000 rockets and countless mortars that Hamas has launched since Israel left Gaza two years ago. The Palestinians chose to continue with their war of terror thus creating the health crisis. Allow me to suggest to the WHO that if they solve the health crisis in Sedrot and other Negev communities, they will solve the health crisis in Gaza also.

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