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Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Disaster of an Obama Foreign Policy

There is that old saying; be careful what you wish for you might get it. Senator Obama's policy against NAFTA may end up causing the United States more trouble than he realizes. When one party wants to re-negotiate an agreement--the other party can make changes. There is a provision in NAFTA protecting US oil imports from Canada. This deal is VERY favorable to the US, because Canada can sell that Oil to other countries (China is very interested), and get a better deal. I wonder if the Senator has thought about that? I doubt it
The danger of Obama's amateur diplomacy
Thomas Lifson

After suggesting that he would invade our ally Pakistan and talk to our enemy Iran, Barack Obama has moved on to potentially damage our relations with Canada, our friendly neighbor and number one foreign oil supplier.

Under the terms of NAFTA, Canada is prohibited from cutting off oil exports to the US if there is a worldwide shortage or supply disruption unless supplies are also rationed to Canadian consumers by the same amount.

After the Hillary/Obama debate, Canada's trade minister pointed out that if NAFTA is re-opened, Canada might want to opt out of this clause, which would then leave Canada free to sell its oil to any other country for whatever price it could get.

Both Clinton and Obama have made a big issue out President Bush's alleged insensitivies to other countries. And now these two geniuses are blithely talking about canceling a trade agreement with our two neighbors on which both their economies now depend.

The Financial Times reports:
Beijing has signalled its interest in Canada's growing oil sector. Two of China's biggest energy groups, China National Offshore Oil Co and Sinopec, have invested in small Calgary-based companies with ambitions to extract heavy crude oil from oilsands in Canada.

So the Obama campaign has been caught in a lie and is potentially opening a door for China (among others) to become involved in our most secure source for foreign oil, where the oil sands contain deposits equal to those of Saudi Arabia, while alienating our best friends in foreign countries.

Do we really want to let this man into the Oval Office?
America is at such a critical point in its history, we are trying to maintain our alliances with our friends--foreign policy is key. Experience in this area is so important for the next president, Neither democratic party candidate has any experience. Placing Hillary or Obama in the field of international relations is like sending someone right out of college to negotiate with Donald Trump. They will get embarrassed, just like Truman did at Potsdam. Friends we MUST rally around McCain.

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