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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tsunami Tuesday Picks---Sammy Cops Out?

Well folks, today is Tsunami Tuesday and I will not be voting till the end of the day. As a registered Republican, I have a choice between McCain, Romney, Huckabee or Paul.

Who do I vote for? I still don't know. Well not exactly true, I know it WONT BE RON PAUL . I am torn between the remaining three.

Governor Huckabee is probably the only true conservative running, his is a fiscal and social conservative, and his faith doesn't scare me (as long as mine doesn't scare him). He is a supporter of Israel and he is a supporter of the war on terror. The only problem with Huckabee is I don't believe he can win the nomination and if he does, I do not believe that he can beat the democrats in a general election.

Governor Romney is NOT a true conservative and quite frankly, I don't trust his positions because they changed very recently. He was not a fiscal, or social conservative as Governor of Mass., just look at the health program that screwed up health care in the State and broke the bank. Despite what Senator McCain says he is a supporter of the Terror War, and one look at his foreign policy advisors which include people from AIPAC will confirm his pro-Israel stance. I don't know if he could beat Obama, but might be able to beat Hillary.

Senator McCain should be a slam dunk for me. He is more conservative than Romney despite what many of my fellow conservatives say, both fiscally and socially. He keeps on getting blasted for voting against the Bush tax cuts, but his objections were because of the lack of spending cuts. He was a MAJOR supporter of the Regan cuts. McCain's foreign policy team which includes Jim "F**K the Jews" Baker scares me. And the fact that so many within the party hate him may make him unelectable (although if that weren't the case he would be the most electible of the candidates)

So Who Am I going to vote for...I still don't know..but feel free to give me advice.

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