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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Senator Obama- Its Not About Race, ITS ABOUT TRUTH

Senator Barack Obama will have to make the "speech of his life" tomorrow in Philadelphia. And if advanced information is correct, his speech may satisfy Democrats but it will do nothing for independents or Republicans.

Obama is going to address the issue of his relationship with preacher Jeremiah Wright by addressing race relations. He is going to talk about how Wright's statements were totally inexcusable, that isn't what the guy is about and they can't really be understood without the context of having lived through the African American experience in the 1960s. He will go on to talk about how he transcends race and that the purpose of his candidacy is to bring America together. He will use beautiful words and present them with oratory worthy of Cicero.

His speech might have worked if he gave it last Friday but now its too late, the issue has changed, it is no longer about race or religion, now the issue is honesty and truthfulness. I want to know why he lied to the American public about never hearing one of Wright's hateful sermons.

Are we to really believe that Barack Obama is the ONLY person in American that didn't know that his preacher was making hate speeches in Church? Are we to understand that neither Barack Obama nor anyone in his campaign has internet access, or that they never investigated what was being said that could hurt him? They knew about the whole Muslim thing, how the hell are we to believe that he never heard one of his speeches especially when he wrote about them in his 1995 book, Dreams of My Father?

Is he telling America that he didn't know that NINE MONTHS ago, Jim Davis of Newsmax about hearing one of Wrights hateful speeches, in Obama's Church with Obama in Attendance?

His friend Oprah was a member of Obama's church, she quit because she didn't like Wright's hate talk. Does he really think the American public is so gullible that we believe that Oprah never said to him something like, why are you still listening to that crazy SOB every Sunday? Or that he was the only regular Church-goer in America that didn't go to Church the Sunday after 9/11 (when Wright made his God Damn America speech)?

This is only a partial list, but these are the types of questions that Barack Obama needs to address tomorrow. Anything less would be as Judge Judy might say, "peeing on my leg and telling me its raining."


Christian Prophet said...

It's not about the minister or the church. Barack Obama is in serious trouble if a spotlight is shined on his THEOLOGY. See:

Anonymous said...

From a similar posting of mine at

In just a few hours Barack Obama will give a speech that could make or break his presidential ambitions. It has been termed by many as a speech on race and religion with some likening it to the speech given by Republican candidate Mitt Romney, but make no mistake this is nothing like the speech given by Romney ...