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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Abbas Group Attempts To Kidnap Israeli

Once again America Chosen "moderate" has attempted a terrorist act against Israelis. This time they were trying to kidnap a teenage boy trying to hitch-hike a ride home. The terrorist's got into Israel thorough one of those anti-terror roadblocks that were removed.

None of the news reports in the MSM related the story that way, Thank God WND did:

'Peace partner' attempts to kidnap Jews
by Aaron Klein Hours after Israel removed anti-terror roadblocks as goodwill gesture

JERUSALEM – A failed attack yesterday on an Israeli civilian in the northern West Bank was carried out by the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the so-called military wing of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization, Brigades leaders told WND.

In yesterday's incident, an Israeli man shot and killed a Palestinian armed with a knife after he approached the Israeli and a teenager at a popular hitchhiking stop between the West Bank Jewish communities of Shiloh and Eli, about 20 miles from Jerusalem.

In an interview with Israel National News , the teenager, Hillel Maier, said that as the terrorist's knife came down toward the Israeli man who was waiting with him at the hitchhiking post and who was carrying a concealed pistol, the man shot the terrorist, knocking the attacker to the ground.

When the terrorist reached into his shirt, Maier said, the civilian interpreted the motion as a possible attempt to detonate an explosive vest, and he shot again, this time killing his attacker. It later turned out the terrorist was reaching for a second, concealed knife.

Senior leaders of Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades told WND the attacker, a Palestinian from Hebron, worked on behalf of their organization. They said the foiled attack was not an attempted stabbing but part of a planned kidnapping operation that included a car waiting nearby.

The Brigades is responsible for scores of recent suicide bombings and hundreds of deadly shootings in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Although U.S. policy considers Fatah to be moderate, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is declared by the State Department as a terrorist group.

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