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Sunday, April 27, 2008


When I was a kid I needed to know everything about baseball I could possibly find out. All I ever wanted was a copy of the Baseball Encyclopedia. It had everything, every box score, every statistic of every professional baseball game EVER played. The Israel-Arab Reader is like the Baseball Encyclopedia for EVERYONE who has ANY interest about the History of the Middle East. It has every Historical Document EVERY reference you ever need to understand the reasons there is a conflict between Israel and her Arab neighbors. I never did get that copy of the Baseball Encyclopedia. But I am so glad I have a copy of the Israel-Arab Reader.

Now available from Penguin publishers is this new edition of one of the most highly respected, widely used reference books on the Middle East, documenting the Arab-Israel conflict and peace process from its inception to the present day.

The book provides almost 300 primary texts covering more than a century of history. It documents the British mandate and early attempts to handle the conflict; Israel's independence and the outbreak of wars; international diplomatic efforts to make peace including the 1990s’ peace process and its breakdown. Materials are presented reflecting the positions of Arab leaders and states, Europeans, Israel, Palestinians, the USSR, and the United States. The texts of international resolutions and agreements, as well as accords made during the peace process, are also provided.

The result is a comprehensive work suitable for reading, reference, and teaching.

To order click here: Buy Now!
For detailed information on this book, follow this link: GLORIA Publication Catalog
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