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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Barack Obama, "I SEE DEAD PEOPLE," America, "We See STUPID PEOPLE"

Do you think that Senator Obama is trying to get a role in the sequal to "Sixth Sense?" Yesterday the Democratic Messiah claimed to see dead people in the audience during his Memorial Day speech.(H/T Gateway Pundit) He started his oratory in Las Cruces, New Mexico by saying:
On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong (see embedded video above)
Originally the Obama campaign had the video on its website, but then they removed it for some Odd reason. I guess this gets added to the list of Obama Screw-ups that you wont read about in the Mainstream Media. Some of them were little silly mistakes, others showed a clear misunderstanding of what is going on in the world. Jake Tapper of ABC News as described him as a one-man gaffe machine. Maybe Illinois Senator is feeling the pressure of his inexperience. Below is some of is Screw-ups from the past few days:

On Friday afternoon in Sunrise, Florida, Obama said, "how's it going, Sunshine?" (Watch HERE.)

Wrote the local Sun-Sentinel: "It wasn't clear if Barack Obama knew exactly where he was Friday afternoon when he spoke at his mass rally at the BankAtlantic Center."

He did the same thing in Sioux Falls, SD, calling it "Sioux City." (Watch HERE.)

"Obama starts speech with a gaffe," wrote the Argus Leader.

But those are the relatively silly ones. There have also been gaffes of more consequence.

As ABC News' David Wright and Sunlen Miller wrote, Obama seemed to either think Arabic is spoken in Afghanistan or he misunderstands the nature of military translators.

More recently, Obama as he traveled through Florida seemed to give some contradictory statements about Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and the Colombian terrorist group FARC.

On Thursday Obama told the Orlando Sentinel that he would meet with Chavez and "one of the obvious high priorities in my talks with President Hugo Chavez would be the fermentation of anti-American sentiment in Latin America, his support of FARC in Colombia and other issues he would want to talk about."

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